Youth Camps

A female child wearing a swim cap and goggles climbs out of an indoor pool.

Parents Night Out

Need a little time away from the children? JSU University Recreation is offering a Date Night camp for your children to have a great time here at the RFC with some of our camp counselors. You will get a few hours with your friends or someone special or a little much-needed you time. Dinner and activities will be provided. Pre-registration required.

  • $15 URec Members & JSU Affiliate
  • $20 Non URec Members & Non JSU Affiliate


  • Friday, April 25
  • Friday, May 9
  • Friday, June 13
  • Friday, July18
  • Friday, August 8
  • Friday, September 12

Youth Camps

The URec Youth Camp is an active, full-day camp complete with FUN, games, activities, and swimming. Specific activities vary on a day to day basis and are centered around a weekly theme.  Snack will be provided each day but children should bring a packed lunch.

URec Youth Camp is for children ages 5-12. Advanced registration is required as capacity is limited. Registration closes the Wednesday prior to week of camp. Additional safety measures will be in place for campers and staff.

Upcoming Camps

  • Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21
  • Spring Break Camp: Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 28
  • Friday, April 18
  • Monday, April 21
  • Summer Camp - 10-week camp starting Tuesday, May 27 and running through Friday, August 1

The camper registration form and acknowledgement agreement in the parent guide must be completed, signed and turned into Member Services or emailed to

Camp Times Drop Off Pick Up
8:30am - 4:30pm 7:30 - 8:30am 4:30 - 5:30pm


Weekly Rates

per camper/week
  • $125 (URec Members / JSU Affiliate)
  • $150 (non-URec Members / non-JSU affiliate)

Daily Rates

per camper/day
  • $35 (URec Members / JSU Affiliate)
  • $40 (non-URec Members / non-JSU affiliate)

Ready to Register?

All registrations must be placed under the child’s account.


  1. Log in at .
  2. Registrations must be completed under each camper's account. If your camper does not have a URec account, please see Create a New Online Account for Non-Members below.
  3. Before starting the registration process, please contact Member Services at 256.782.5075, to ensure each camper has the correct affiliation status to reflect the correct camp prices at registration. Skipping this procedure can result in overpayment for services. 


Already have a JSU URec Account?

You're ready to Register:

  1. From the camper's account, search Services and find the week or weeks of camp that you are interested in registering for.
  2. Click Register, Add Info and Purchase.
  3. Please be aware that registration is not complete until a payment has been made​.

Create a New Online Account for Non-Members

Don’t have a URec account? No worries. Follow these simple steps to create your new non-member account and register your camper online today.

  1. To create your Jax State University Recreation account navigate to
  2. You will receive an access code in an email from Club Jacksonville State University. Insert your verification code. *Verification Code is valid for 60 Seconds
  3. You will be prompted to create your unique username and password. 
  4. Complete your contact and emergency contact information and electronically sign your facility waiver. *Be sure to change the Country Section from Canada to the United States
  5. After electronically signing the facility waiver, you will gain full access to your account and can register all programs eligible for your status. 

*You must also complete steps 1 - 5 for yourself and each camper. As the legal guardian, please sign the waiver on behalf of the camper.

Once new accounts are created, you are ready to register. Follow the steps for "Already have a JSU URec Account?" to enroll your camper.

Have Questions? Interested in Becoming a Camp Counselor?

Contact Our Aquatics and Safety Coordinator, Nicol Wills, at or call 256-782-8682.