Event Options

To earn a Jax MIX microcredential, you must attend three events existing on that pathway. You can attend these events before, while, or after completing the focus.

Event engagement is tracked on Credentials. Make sure you scan QR codes at approved events to record your progress towards a Jax MIX microcredential.

Below is a calendar of upcoming events that have partnered with Jax MIX. The calendar informs you of the date, time, microcredential pathway, and location of the event. You can click the event name to get additional information.

Jax MIX Event Calendar

Want to partner with Jax MIX?

Have an event that you think fits one of the five Jax MIX focuses? Use these tools to review the event and then submit it to us.

Questions about Jax MIX events?  Contact Ms. Karlie Johnson, Jax MIX Events Coordinator.