Severe Weather Alerts
Outdoor Sirens
Outdoor sirens are activated by the Calhoun County Emergency Management Agency only when a tornado warning has been issued for the area. A warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar in the area. You should immediately seek shelter when you hear an outdoor weather siren in Jacksonville-stating a tornado warning has been issued.
Hear the sounds emitted by an outdoor siren by the Calhoun County EMA:
Tornado Safety
Review the JSU Tornado Safety Tips to learn the actions to take if you are in a building, outdoors, in a vehicle, or on a campus bus when the sirens are activated.
NOAA Weather Radios
Using NOAA Weather Radios on Campus
For additional information, visit the following sites:
- National Weather Service
- Alabama Department of Homeland Security
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- National Readiness Web Site
- American Red Cross
- Calhoun County EMA