FAQ for Faculty & Staff – International Students

Frequently Asked Questions

Current international students come to international programs for all immigration paperwork, including information on how to maintain their immigration status, how to request a driver's license and social security letter, and how to obtain Curricular Practical training and Optional Practical training. Visit the Current International Students page for more information.

The International Program team does not handle housing on or off campus, scholarships, job placement, or translation services for student struggling with English. International Program is focused on immigration services and directs international students to the appropriate office for other needs. Faculty and staff assisting international students will save students time by direting them to the appropriate office (housing, scholarships, tutoring, etc.)

Faculty can look for creative and compassionate solutions to help international students understand instructions and catch up if they get behind, just as we would do for any struggling student.

If a student discloses that they have a disability or a disability-related condition, please refer them to the Office of Disability Resources. Students needing academic support through tutoring, supplemental instruction, and success coaching can be connected with the Student Success Center.

The Office of Community Standards and Student Ethics has information on reporting incidents, concerns, or violations of the Scholars Code. If any student, international or otherwise, continues to ignore faculty warnings, these reporting forms may be necessary. That office is also the contact for violations of the University Code of Student Conduct.
For more information, view our in-depth FAQ for New Students or contact International Programs at intlprog@jsu.edu.

How the JSU Writing Center Supports Students

The Writing Center  does offer a service called “Conversation Partners,” which is a 30-minute session in which a consultant will engage a student in conversation about informal, low-stakes topics (weather, sports, pop culture, school life, etc.) to allow students to practice speaking English. The Writing Center does not offer extensive language education services comparable to Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or other similar tools, so the student would need to have a basic functional grasp of the English language to benefit from The Writing Center’s services.

Yes, encourage the student to bring the prompt and instructions to their consultation appointment.

Yes, encourage the student to bring a draft of their work to their consultation appointment.

For more information, visit the Writing Center website or contact Dr. Khadeidra Billingsley, Writing Center Director, at kbillingsley3@jsu.edu.