
JSU’s Finance & Administration Department strives to foster a transparent approach that spans the planning, development, adoption, and execution phases of the budget.

Charge - The Budget Committee (BC) is an advisory committee under the co-leadership of the Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration and an appointed faculty member. All committee members are appointed by the President and include student government representatives, faculty, and administrators. The committee develops tuition recommendations and participates in the integrated budgeting development process.

Committee Function

  • Update and follow established Budget Planning Processes.
  • Review process and procedures to make recommendations on the development of the budget.
  • Review institutional priorities, including JSU Policies, Strategic Plan, and Program Reviews to foster integrated planning and resource allocation
  • Collect budget requests and prioritize recommendations for submission to the President’s Cabinet.
  • Understand Accreditation Standards to ensure that the budget development process complies with the SACSCOC Accreditation Standard Section 13: Financial and Physical Resources

Committee Members

Minutes (Pending)

The Executive Budget Office (EBO) is a division of the State of Alabama's Department of Finance. The mission of the EBO is to effectively prepare the Governor's budget proposal, properly administer and supervise the execution of legislative appropriations, estimate revenues for budget preparation and administration, and assist in the drafting of the budget appropriation bills.

Alabama Department of Finance

Executive Budget Office

Alabama Fiscal Policy and Procedures Manual (Chapter 2)

State Of Alabama Accounting and Resource System

ACHE Website