General University Fee

Explanation of General University Fee

Wellness Center (UREC) Fee

Supports operating expenses for the University Recreation Center. Also, supports the debt service for the retirement of bonds issued to build the University Recreation Center

Student Activity Fee

Supports student organization activities, student programming, SGA operations, campus events, and clubs.

Writing Center Fee

Supports student writing services provided by the English Department.

Library Fee

Supports the library databases, physical and electronic collections, expanded data network access to digital resources, improved library automated systems, and enhanced online learning systems and assistive technologies. Additionally, the fee supports the hosting and access to digital copies of theses, dissertations, and directed projects.


Supports athletic program operations and provides free student admission to on-campus athletic events.

Campus Transportation Fee (JSUride Services)

Supports campus transportation (including bike racks, JSURide buses/vans, and escooters).

Technology Access Fee

Supports the expansion of discipline-specific technology-based services including laboratories, multimedia presentation classrooms, and demonstration stations. It also funds the replacement of equipment in student labs and supports interdisciplinary curriculum development.

Student Success Center Fee

Supports student success services which provide tutoring, career and academic advising, success coaching, and life skills services to students.

Facilities (Classroom Upgrade) Fee

Provides source for financing to improve facilities and fund expenditures such as replacing carpets in student lounges, remodeling classrooms, etc., to make improvements to areas that have an impact on students.