Kookmin University (Seoul, South Korea)

Kookmin University


Kookmin University is a private university established in 1946 and is located in Seoul, South Korea. Kookmin offers a diverse range of programs such as Computer Science, Economics and Commerce, Arts, and much more. They are also known for their Korean Language program that offers regular and short-term courses.

Location - Seoul, South Korea

  • Class Credit- Summer in Korea (July 10 - August 1 , 2025)
  • Korean Language Program Seoul, South Korea
  • Undergraduate students enroll in the 3-week program to Kookmin University in South Korea and receive a 1 hour of credit in INS 399. For graduate students, a consultation with your advisor and department head will need to be done to decide on credit.

Class Credit- Fall and Spring

Undergraduate students can take a minimum of 12 hours of courses at Kookmin in Fall and Spring semesters.  The student must apply to a specific department in one of the Colleges, and with few exceptions, must take all of their courses in that department.  Some of the Colleges do not allow exchange students.  Graduate students are allowed to go as well; however, all of the graduate courses are taught in Korean, so the student must be fluent in Korean in order to be accepted.  Here are the available Colleges undergraduate students can apply to:

  • College of General Education (you can take courses from this College even if you are enrolled in another College)
  • Global College of Humanities and Area Studies
  • College of Social Science
  • College of Economics and Commerce
  • College of Business Administration (only 100-level and 200-level courses, as this College is not AACSB-accredited)
  • College of Design (a portfolio must be submitted with your application)

Korean language courses are available as well.  The courses are 10 weeks long and begin about 5 weeks into the semester.  Beginner courses are usually taught in the afternoon, which means your other courses would need to be in the morning, as the Korean courses are every day and last 4 hours. 

Class Credit- Summer

Undergraduate students who enroll in the 3-week program to Kookmin University in South Korea will receive 1 hour of credit in INS 399.  For graduate students, a consultation with your advisor and department head will need to be done to decide on credit.


Students must enroll with the name listed on their passports.

If you do not have a passport, you must obtain one.  You can find more information on obtaining a passport on the United States Postal Service’s website page on passports:  https://www.usps.com/international/passports.htm  

If you wish to enroll, you must notify the Study Abroad Office, studyabroad@jsu.edu  The Study Abroad Office can provide you with a list of courses available for study abroad.

Estimated Cost

Number of Credit hours 1
Tuition to JSU $167
Airfare $1,800-$2,000
Travel Insurance $100
Meals $315
Ground Travel $200
Spending Money $600


Terms Summer Fall Spring
Dates July-August August-December March-June
Deadline to show interest 15-Mar 15-Mar 15-Sept
Deadline to apply 15-Apr 01-May 1-Nov


University website:  https://english.kookmin.ac.kr/

Program page:  https://english.kookmin.ac.kr/study/koreanLanguageProgram