Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps)
Earn a commission with your degree
Army ROTC (Reserve Officers· Training Corps) Is a college elective that allows you to earn a commission straight out of college as a second lieutenant in the active-duty Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard. ROTC consists of both academic classes and hands-on training. The mental and physical challenges of ROTC will help you succeed in college and beyond.
Participation takes just a few hours a week, so it won't interfere with other studies, sports or your social life. You'll learn about leadership and teamwork, and you'll have the opportunity to learn skills like mountaineering, rappelling and orienteering.
Anyone can enroll in MSC 101/MSC 103 in the fall or MSC 102/MSC 104 in the spring without any obligation to join the military. All Army ROTC books and equipment are furnished at no cost to the student.
If you decide to complete the program, you will graduate with a four-year degree and be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army with starting base pay salary exceeding $47,980 for active-duty second lieutenants.
Green to Gold Program
The Army Green to Gold (G2G) Program is designed to offer Active Army Enlisted Soldiers in the Army the opportunity to earn a commision as Army Officers.
The Green to Gold Active-Duty Option is a two-year program that provides eligible, Active Army enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete their first baccalaureate degree or first graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.
Benefits- Soldiers selected to participate in this program will continue to receive their current pay and allowances while in the program (up to a maximum of 21 consecutive months).
- If qualified, Montgomery G.I. Bill / Army College Fund (MGIB/ACF) benefits.
- Post 9/11 GI Bill.
- Normal PCS entitlements.
Current law (10 USC 2106(c)) does not allow any of his/her accrued time period as a Cadet participant in the SROTC towards RA 20–year retirement eligibility/benefits and/or RC retirement eligibility points. In addition, G2G ADO Soldiers must agree that as ROTC participants, they are not members of the Selected Reserve. Consequently, once a G2G ADO Soldier is commissioned, the time spent in the Advanced Course phase of SROTC (MSL III and MSL IV instruction) will not be included, for any purpose, in service computations made after the Soldier accepts an appointment (for example, it may not be used to compute either time in service for pay purposes, or in computing years of service for retirement)
To assist you in the application process you can use the Green to Gold ADO Information Booklet. The booklet contains valuable information about the program and can help you submit your application.
The Green to Gold Scholarship Option provides eligible, Active Duty enlisted Soldiers an opportunity to complete their first baccalaureate degree or first graduate degree and earn a commission as an Army Officer.
- Scholarships are awarded for two, three, or four years.
- Soldiers with two years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for two-year scholarships.
- Soldiers with three years of college remaining to complete their degree are considered for three-year scholarships.
- Soldiers without college credit who require four years to complete their degree are considered for four-year scholarships.
- Tuition or room and board support.
- Additional money for textbooks, supplies, and equipment.
- A monthly stipend of $420 for up to 10 months each school year.
- Pay for attending the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) (formally Leader Development & Assessment Course LDAC) between the junior and senior years of college.
- Additionally, many colleges and universities offer incentives to scholarship winners. The Professor of Military Science (PMS) at your college of choice can provide further information on what is available at the school.
To assist you in the application process you can use the Green to Gold Scholarship/Hip-Pocket Information Booklet. The booklet contains valuable information about the program and can help you submit your application.
The Army ROTC Green to Gold Division Commander’s Hip Pocket Scholarship Program provides selected Soldiers the opportunity to complete their baccalaureate degree requirements and obtain a commission through participation in the ROTC Scholarship program. Each year, division commanders may nominate deserving Soldiers for two, three, and four-year Green to Gold scholarships. Units are encouraged to nominate Soldiers that have exhibited the potential for further outstanding service to the United States and the Army as Commissioned Officers. Interested Soldiers are encouraged to follow-up with their chain of command.
Benefits- Tuition or room and board support.
- Additional money for textbooks, supplies, and equipment.
- A monthly stipend of $420 for up to 10 months each school year.
- Pay for attending the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) (formally Leader Development & Assessment Course LDAC) between the junior and senior years of college.
- Additionally, many colleges and universities offer incentives to scholarship winners. The Professor of Military Science (PMS) at your college of choice can provide further information on what is available at the school.
To assist you in the application process you can use the Green to Gold Scholarship/Hip-Pocket Information Booklet. The booklet contains valuable information about the program and can help you submit your application.
The Green to Gold Non-Scholarship Option is for Soldiers who are considering leaving Active Duty to attend college while receiving a monthly stipend. This option is a locally managed option. Soldiers are advised to contact the Army ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer (ROO) at their school of intent for additional information regarding the Green to Gold Option.
Requirements- U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
- GT score of 110 or greater (non-waiverable).
- Age for Scholarship/Hip-Pocket applicants – you must be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all requirements for a commission. You must have acquired your bachelor’s degree by this time. This is a statutory requirement and there are no waivers authorized for Scholarship/Hip-Pocket applicants.
- Age for ADO applicants – ADO applicants can request an Age Waiver if selected by the board for Phase 2 of the process.
- Cannot have been convicted of a Domestic Violence crime.
- You must have served a minimum of two-years Active Duty as well as three months of Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (a waiver can be requested).
- Pass the ACFT within the last six months (no alternate events allowed).
- Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5.
- Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC.
- Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion.
- Favorable National Agency Check.
- DODMERB Medical Qualification.
- No more than three dependents including spouse (waiverable).
- Four-year applicants must have taken the ACT or SAT.
High School Students
You have two options to reach your goal of paying for college and commissioning as an officer into the Army: applying for the national Army ROTC scholarship, or enlisting in the Army Reserves or National Guard and participating in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP). You still reach the same goal with either option, just in different ways with their own unique opportunities.
"Simultaneous" means students who are at the same time:
full-time college students (SMP officially starts your sophomore year), currently serving (or willing to enlist) in the USAR or ARNG enrolled in Army ROTC
In the SMP you participate in unit training with your USAR or ARNG unit one weekend a month, while earning your commission through ROTC. SMP Cadets are non-deployable. Upon commissioning you have the option of either serving full-time on Active Duty, or part-time in the Army Reserves or Army National Guard.
Next step: Contact us so we can discuss how you'll integrate ROTC into your degree program.
College ROTC Teaches You to Lead
Army ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) is one of the best leadership courses in the country and can be part of your college curriculum. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises, you will learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups, and conduct missions as an officer in the Army. Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will commission as a Second Lieutenant into the Active Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard and become a leader for life.
Scholarships are highly competitive. Minimum eligibility requirements include:
Be a U.S. citizen
Be between the ages of 17 and 26
Have a high school GPA of at least 2.50
Have a high school diploma or equivalent
Meet physical standards
Agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army
Competitive Characteristics
Army officers reflect the best of America and the most competitive applicants exhibit traits of scholar, athlete, and leader.
Scholar: National Honor Society, Honors and Advance Placement courses, GPA over 3.0, Top 10% of Class
Athlete: Varsity Letters from school team, member of regional, city, or competitive league, organized competitive team sports, individual athletic competitions
Leader: Elective member of student government or class, Captain of athletic team, position of responsibility in a school, club, or volunteer organization; JROTC senior leadership position such as Battalion Commander, Executive Officer, or Command Sergeant Major
Your Commitment
An eight-year service commitment with the Army upon graduation from college
Serve full time in the Army for four years and four years with the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR)
Cadets may choose to serve the eight years in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career
Scholarship Application On Line
To apply, you first will need to create a MY GOARMY account. Once you create an account, you will be sent to the Log In page. Use your newly created account information and select the option "ROTC 4-Year Scholarship Application" button. This will direct you straight to the online scholarship application. Initial Application Deadline is 10 January of your Senior Year. Applications can be submitted as early as February of your Junior Year.
Army ROTC Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded based on a student's merit and grades, not financial need. Army ROTC scholarships consist of:
Three or four year scholarship (the three year scholarship begins your sophomore year of college)
Full-tuition scholarships
The option for room and board in place of tuition, if you should qualify
Additional allowances for books and fees
Living Expenses
Army ROTC scholarships also provide a monthly living allowance of $420 during each school year.
For more details on the National High School Scholarship or to create your my GOARMY account, visit the www.goarmy.com/rotc
Prior Service, Army National Guard, Army Reserve Soldiers
If You Are Already Serving in the USAR or ARNG
If you're already enlisted in the Guard or Reserves, your benefits already include tuition assistance (up to $4500 per year), GI Bill® ($377 per month, if MOS qualified), and drill pay. Joining ROTC adds a few things to that:
- Drill pay increase to Cadet (E-5) rate ($274.84 per month) - if your rank is higher, you keep it
- ROTC stipend ($420 per month)
- GI Bill® Kicker ($350 per month) for being in ROTC
- Non-deployable status—your college education won't be interrupted by deployment
- Officer training in your unit
If you are (or will be) a freshman and are currently enlisted, you are eligible for SMP at the beginning of your sophomore year. For your first year you can still enroll in ROTC classes, and drill with your unit, but are not formally in the SMP. If you are a sophomore or higher and currently enlisted, you must enroll in the SMP to enroll in ROTC.
Take the next step and apply to JAX State University if you haven't yet.
If you are already a student, email us for an appointment so we can discuss how to integrate ROTC into your academic curriculum.
If You Are a Prior Service Soldier/Sailor/Marine/Airman
As a prior service Soldier, you have credit to enroll in ROTC your junior year. While participating in SMP is not required, the additional benefits make it an attractive option.
Talk to a local Guard or Reserve recruiter about re-enlisting and discuss SMP, then contact us to see how we can integrate ROTC into your course of study.