Term or Part of Term Withdrawal
Students may withdraw without any academic penalty until the ‘Last Day to Withdraw.’ Refer to the academic calendar for deadline dates for withdrawals. No withdrawals will be processed after the ‘Last Day to Withdraw.' Students must notify the Office of the Registrar by completing the Withdrawal from Term Form online. Students who withdraw during a semester may not petition for reinstatement during the semester in which the withdrawal occurred.
Any student who has registered, but does not wish to attend, must notify the Office of the Registrar by completing the Withdrawal from Term Form online by the "Last Day to Register" for the semester to receive a full refund of tuition charged. If the Withdrawal from Term Form is not available, mailed requests will be reviewed, and the postmark will be used to determine the withdrawal date. Failure to assure this notification may result in academic and financial penalty. Please contact the Office of Housing Operations & Residence Life for inquiries regarding residence hall refund policy. Students who are scheduled to receive financial aid must also notify the Financial Aid Office in writing (fax or mail) or JSU email by the last day to register for the semester to cancel their financial aid. Students who fail to notify the Financial Aid Office will be subject to financial penalty.
Students wishing to withdraw online must complete the following steps:
Sign in to your MyJaxState
- Locate the Student Card and select More
- Select the Withdrawal from Term Form
- Select the Semester
- Select the Part of Term
- Select a Reason for Withdrawing
- Select if you would like someone to contact you concerning your withdrawal request.
- You will receive a confirmation to your JSU email after submitting.
Please note: A separate withdrawal form must be submitted for each part of term from which you wish to withdraw.
Additional information:
- If you live in University Housing, please note: Housing refunds are processed in accordance with tuition refunds. Students who withdraw must immediately notify the Department of University Housing and Residence Life. You are required to properly vacate your housing assignment within 24 hours of the withdrawal. Failure to properly vacate within the allotted 24 hours may result in a hold over charge.
- If you are receiving federal student aid, you should discuss the implications of your withdrawal with the Financial Aid Office. They can be reached by phone at (256) 782-5006 or in person at 107 Angle Hall.
- If you receive Financial Aid, please note: If you withdraw prior to completing 60 percent of a term, you could be required to repay a proportionate amount of the funds you received. Withdrawal could also affect the repayment status of loans you received this semester and/or prior terms. Please read the Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4) documentation on the Financial Aid website. Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Financial Aid Office prior to submitting a request!
- If you are an International Student under a F1/J1 visa category, please obtain clearance from the International House & Programs prior to submitting a request.
Deadline dates (both Academic and Financial) are listed on the Academic Calendar.