Frequently Asked Questions on Reinstatement and Late Registration

Important Dates

Full Spring and Spring A 2025 Reinstatement Dates: Wednesday, January 15 – Tuesday, January 21. Deadline is 2:00 PM CST on Tuesday.

Full Spring and Spring A 2025 Late Registration Dates: Wednesday, January 22 - Monday, January 27. Deadline is 12:00 PM CST on Monday.

Reinstatement pertains to students who were previously registered for a course(s) and requested to be placed back into their courses. 

Late registration will affect students who never registered, who were never reinstated, or who want to add a course to their schedule.  During the late registration time period, we must verify that space is available in the section for the student and that the instructor is agreeable to allowing the student in the class.  Instructor permission is required.

The reinstatement form is emailed to students the day they are dropped from their classes.  When the student submits the form, it goes various financial offices for review.  When all financial obligations have been met, the student is registered.  Students are notified by email when processing is complete.

After the reinstatement period ends, a link will be posted on the JSU Registrar website to the Late Registration Form. Once all instructor approvals are obtained, the form is sent to various financial offices.  When all financial obligations have been met, the student is ready to be registered – the form is sent to the Registrar’s Office.  The student is notified via email when processing is complete.

Instructors will scroll until their course is listed and click on the approval box – Select Yes or No to indicate if you will allow the student in the course and electronically sign the document. Click submit at the bottom of the page.

Yes, the instructor(s) must answer the question(s) whether or not the student can register for the course and then electronically sign the form. (Instructor approval not required for reinstatements) Click submit at the bottom of the page.

Instructors will receive an email notifying them the form is ready for review (Instructor approval not required for reinstatements).

Reinstatements are available only during the specified dates.

The time to process reinstatements depends on many factors – the time for financial aid to review the student’s file, the time for the student to update financial aid file, if needed, the time to make payment or set up a payment plan, and the time to register.

Late registration is available only during the specified dates.

The time to process late registration depends on many factors – the time for the instructors to approve, the time for financial aid to review the student’s file, the time for the student to update financial aid file, if needed, the time to make payment or set up a payment plan, and the time to register.

The student should have access within 24 hours of being registered in the course.