Incoming Freshmen Get a "Fast Start"

JSU's Fast Start Academy kicked off on June 25 with 70 students beginning their college journey with a special six-week program designed to help them transition from high school to college.
Housed in Learning Services, Fast Start is a summer bridge program that provides two classes, labs, housing, meals, books, service learning and a strong sense of community for participants. They learn from great teachers, meet other entering freshmen, benefit from peer mentors and get a head-start with courses.
This summer, Fast Start students are enjoying three updated labs, equipped with new computers, smart boards and projectors, brand-new furniture and collaborative learning spaces. Also new this year is a mentoring component and increased lab hours to provide participants even more support.
"Without our outstanding students, staff and faculty this program would not be possible," said Mary Reagan, coordinator of summer bridge and placement. "I am expecting this to be the best Fast Start Academy to date!"