Bavonese Named School of Education Associate Dean

Janet L. Bavonese, Ed.D., has been named Associate Dean at Jacksonville State University School of Education.
Her background includes more than 20 years of experience in classroom teaching, literacy coaching and curriculum coordination in P-12 public education. Bavonese holds a B.A. in human resources, an M.S. in English Language Learners, an M.S. in reading specialist, and an Ed.D. in Elementary Education with a concentration in reading. Her previous work experience includes leading the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at JSU.
Bavonese’s research agenda includes innovation in teacher education and candidate preparation, literacy education, and literacy integration in interdisciplinary content areas. She regularly presents at local, state and national conferences, is the “On to JSU” grant program manager, director of the JSU Center for Autism Studies and recently served as co-chair on the Alabama State Strategic Planning Committee for Reading.