Dr. Betty Morris Receives Prestigious Eminent Librarian Award from ALLA

Dr. Betty J. Morris, library media faculty member in JSU’s Educational Resources Department, was recently honored with the Alabama Library Association’s Eminent Librarian Award, which recognizes exceptional and enduring contributions toward the development of library services within Alabama. The presentation was made by Wendy Stephens at the President’s Reception during the Annual ALLA Convention on Thursday, April 24 in Huntsville.
“Dr. Betty Morris of Jacksonville State University has made significant scholarly accomplishments, demonstrated sincere concern for the students with whom she works, and provided leadership in the school library profession qualifying her for the prestigious honor of ALLA’s Eminent Librarian,” reads the convention publication announcing her selection.
Dr. Morris came to JSU nine years ago and has since made significant contributions to the university. She established an Ed.S. program at JSU to increase both educational attainment and career opportunities for school library practitioners. She also migrated all courses to the hybrid model. As former acquisitions editor for library publishers Libraries Unlimited and Linworth, she brought a wealth of knowledge with her to Jacksonville State. This expertise in library education and practice beyond the school setting informed her curriculum and made the instructional media program at JSU “among the best in the state,” according to the ALLA.
Prior to coming to JSU, Dr. Morris was Library Power Director for Dade County, Fla., which is one of the country’s largest systems. Library Power is an initiative funded through the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund that transforms school libraries into centers of learning. She also had a significant career in the Decatur City Schools.
Dr. Morris received her Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration as well as her Ed.S. and M.L.S. in Library Science from the University of Alabama. She also holds a B.A. in English from the University of North Alabama.
Her publications include Administering the School Library Media Center, the foundational text on management for school libraries.
Photo: Dr. Betty Morris (courtesy)