JSU Social Work Students Given Volunteer of the Year Award at Gadsden Center
On Friday, April 11, the JSU Social Work Practice II Students were awarded the Volunteer of the Year Award 2014 at McGuffey Health and Rehab in Gadsden. The award is voted on by the residents of the facility.
Dr. Maureen Newton, head of JSU's Sociology and Social Work Program, and Kim Womack, instructor, accepted the award on behalf of the students at McGuffey’s Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner.
Each semester the classes are divided into groups of 4-6 students and tasked with completing a themed activity on a series of Saturdays throughout the semester. The students work with the facility staff to coordinate the projects. They solicit donations and hold fund raisers to purchase decorations, entertainment, and food for each themed event. Events this semester have included: Western Day, Happy Birthday McGuffey’s; St. Patrick’s Day; and McGuffey’s Gets Fit. They will end the semester with an Easter party featuring the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 19.
Ms. Womack, who has taught in the program since 1997, created this service project to help teach her SW-391 students group work skills in an experiential setting.
About the photos-- Top photo- Left to Right: Kim Womack, JSU Social Work Instructor, Sharniece Williams, Kristen Richards, Lakesha Carter, and Jim King. Middle photo- Left to Right: Miranda New, Ms. Judy Swain, and Ms. Melissa Guinn. Bottom photo- Left to Right: Christopher Moon, Amber Hammonds, Natalie Hilliard, DeAmber McDonald, Kim Womack and Kesha Barker.