JSU SGA Student Senators Attend Annual Training at Shocco Springs
The JSU Student Government Association Student Senators recently attended an annual training conference at Shocco Springs Conference Center in Talladega, Ala. The training is part of a mandatory requirement for senators and is held by the Student Government Association.
At the training student senators participated in workshops on parliamentary procedure, parliamentary etiquette, as well as Bill and Resolution drafting. The student senators were also given committee assignments to the Senate’s 10 standing committees by VPSS Brett Johnson.
The committee heads are as follows:
- Academic Affairs: Kelly Manley
- Allocations: Raven Scott
- Athletic Support and Spirit: Shelby McDonough
- Campus Safety: Lemonte Long
- Constitution and Code: Tyler Brown
- Homecoming: Kalyn Cabral
- Make A Difference Everywhere: Tiffany Gorham
- Publicity: Amber Owens
- Residence Life and Facilities: Kadeem Hubbard
- STARS: Kenneth Smith
The Student Senate will hold its first meeting on August 26, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Theron Montgomery Building Auditorium. Meetings are held each Monday of Fall and Spring semesters and are open to all students and any member of the campus community who wish to attend.