Jax MIX is the signature
general education
program of Jacksonville State University.
Below is a list of all Jax MIX courses organized by their programmatic emphasis areas. These are human communication, experience, expression, and inquiry.
The requirements of Jax MIX align with state-mandated general studies courses. Please review your plan of study and speak to your academic advisor about additional requirements your degree may require.
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transferring general studies courses?
Jax MIX Programmatic Emphasis
Jax MIX provides opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in the areas of:

(12 hours): English composition, math, and speech

(12 hours): History and social/behavioral sciences

(9 hours): Fine arts, literature, and humanities

(8 hours): Physical, earth, and life sciences
Communicating effectively and professionally through oral, interpersonal, written, and quantitative mediums with diverse audiences
Examination of the human experience through different lenses and perspectives
Discovery, exploration, and appreciation of various modes of human expression
Investigation and understanding of the world around us through scientific methods