Jax MIX Badges

Microcredentials will be signified by a digital badge. Jax MIX microcredentials require a 3-course focus plus attendance at three events connected to that focus and a work product and reflection related to the focus. After successful com­pletion of a focus, students attend events and submit a work product and reflection. The “work product” may be a longer traditional project from any course, an internship, study abroad, research, community service, etc. Sample “work products” and more information about the guided reflection are available in the badge courses. Students planning to acquire a badge should enroll in the appropriate badge course in the semester planned for completion of the events and submission of the work product. Students may be awarded up to three (3) badges by enrolling in and passing the badge course: MIX 295 Community Engagement Badge, MIX 296 Environmental Stewardship Badge, MIX 296 Ethical Leadership Badge, MIX 297 Global Connections Badge, MIX 298 Media Literacy Badge.

Microcredential = Focus + 3 events + Course project or community service or leadership + Reflection