Program Review
In addition to the comprehensive evaluation component in the planning processes that occur each October, the institution also requires instructional and non-instructional units to participate in a comprehensive program review process as defined in the Program Review Policy.
Every seven years, each instructional (academic programs) and non-instructional (academic and student support and administrative units with an operational plan) unit undergoes a self-study, a peer review that will result in a report and recommendations, and a meeting with the dean or vice president to determine steps for improvement. Any recommendations for improvement then feeds into the unit's operational plan (for non-instructional units) or an improvement plan or viability plan (for instructional units) which will fold into the yearly reporting and evaluation processes.
Using a timeline that was developed with input from units and supervisors to take into consideration programmatic accreditation self-studies, notifications are sent to programs undergoing program review for the upcoming academic year. Trainings and a timeline are provided to each program, the supervisor, and the area Vice President.
Please visit the Program Review website for more information.