Call for Submissions

Call for presentation submissions are due by Friday, October 11, 2024. Presenters will select the presentation category they are interested in as well as coordinating presentation time. Please be aware that Short Presentation and Long Presentation presenters will be grouped together to encourage audience attendance. You can find details below for each category. Questions can be directed to Faculty Commons ( or to one of the FRS committee members.

Submit a Proposal

Presentation Descriptions:

Certificates will be given to recognize those who participate; awards will be given for highest scoring short, long, panel, and poster/creative presentations. Faculty will record attendance at each individual presentation using a QR code, so please bring an appropriate device. Attendance records will be used to generate professional development participation transcripts, which are given to faculty at the end of each semester.

Presentations will be judged by volunteer faculty members. We encourage those who are presenting to volunteer to judge as well. Faculty Commons also encourages faculty to invite students to attend keynote and individual presentations. Please note that Faculty Commons cannot, however, provide meals to students. An awards reception will take place immediately following the event beginning at 5:00 pm. All judges, presenters, and faculty/staff attendees are cordially invited to attend. This event is closed to students.


Short Research Presentation (15 minutes) -Formal presentations on a topic of one or more faculty member’s choosing (research paper, project, scholarship, or current work in progress). - Formal presentations about a topic of a faculty member’s choosing (this may include a research paper, project, scholarship, or current work in progress).

  • Individual presentations will last a maximum of 15 minutes
  • Presentation times will vary throughout the day
  • Presentations will be grouped three to a session within a one-hour timeframe to encourage audience attendance
  • Presentations will be judged as part of a competition for "Best Short Presentation"
  • The awardee will receive a congratulatory certificate for the "Best Short Presentation"


Long Research Presentation (25 minutes) – Formal presentations on a topic of the faculty member’s choosing (research paper, project, scholarship, or current work in progress).

  • Individual presentations will last a maximum of 25 minutes.
  • Presentation times will vary throughout the day
  • Q&A times and audience discussion must be included within the faculty member’s 25-minute time limit
  • Presentations will be grouped two to a session within a 50-minute timeframe to encourage audience attendance
  • Presentations will be judged as part of a competition for "Best Long Presentation"
  • The awardee will receive a congratulatory certificate for the "Best Long Presentation"


Poster Presentation (1 hour) - Visual display of individual faculty’s research, scholarship, or creative work.

  • Posters will be displayed in the Atrium at Merrill Hall
  • Poster backing, push pins, and easels will be provided
  • Poster judging will take place from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
  • Poster interpretation is up to the presenter (including poster size and format)
  • Faculty may bring posters previously presented at other events or create a poster specifically for the FRS
  • During judging, faculty will be available to answer questions and elaborate on their work
  • Posters will be judged as part of a competition for "Best Poster Presentation"
  • The awardee will receive a congratulatory certificate for the "Best Poster Presentation"
  • Faculty are encouraged to leave posters up for the remainder of the Faculty Research Symposium for all attendees to enjoy


Panel Presentation (50 minutes) - Collaborative discussion of a focused research, scholarship, or creative theme.

  • Panel presentation topics are selected by the faculty member(s) submitting the proposal
  • The submitting faculty member is responsible for recruiting fellow panel members (up to 6 members)
  • Panel topics may cover the panel’s collective research, scholarship, or creative work
  • Collaboration on previous research is not required among panel members
  • Panel sessions will run for 50 minutes, including time for Q&A
  • Only one panel session will take place per 50-minute time slot
  • Panel presentations will be judged as part of a competition for "Best Panel Presentation"
  • The awardees will receive a congratulatory certificate for "Best Panel Presentation"


Other Presentation (25 minutes) - Other" presentations include creative, musical, display, or performance pieces. Group presentations are allowed.

  • Time has been reserved for presentations that do not fit within all other categories
  • Presentations will run in 25-minute increments during designated time slots
  • Presentations take place in the Atrium of Merrill Hall
  • Set-up time for presentations between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM is from 8:30 AM-10:00 AM
  • Set-up time for presentations between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM is from 12:10 AM-1:50 PM
  • Other presentations will be judged as part of a competition for "Best Creative Presentation"
  • The awardee(s) will receive a congratulatory certificate for the "Best Creative Presentation"