2024-2025 Syllabi Guide

Your syllabus should reflect your personality, teaching style, and individual course. However, there are some required and some highly suggested elements that should be in every syllabus. The minimal components to be included on the syllabus are listed below, with the text of required policies (which are included so that they are easy to copy and paste). 

*Please note that certain policies and procedures may vary between colleges and/or departments.  To ensure that your syllabus is current and correct, please check with your college/department for official program-specific policies.    


Required Components for Syllabi 

  • Course Prefix, number, section, title, location, and date/time
  • Contact information including office location/hours, phone number, and email address
  • Course description including prerequisite courses that matches the course description in the catalog
  • Course objectives that flow logically into the Student Learning Outcomes
  • Student Learning Outcomes. These should be derived from the course objectives and should reflect the learning goals for students successfully completing the course. Each student learning outcome should be assessed each semester by an appropriate instrument.
  • Clear and simple grading scheme with instructions on how to access current grades on Canvas.
  • Required texts, materials, software, etc.
  • Class meeting schedule/calendar (including information about classroom rotation, if applicable)
  • Attendance policy
  • Communication policy/preferences
  • Late or missed exam/work policy 


Required University Policies/Statements 

  • Academic Honesty Policy: In a university community, true knowledge can be gained only through honest means. A Scholar’s Code can be found in both the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs and the Student Handbook. Students who violate the Scholar’s Code will be subject to disciplinary actions which could range from a zero on an assignment to failure of the course; repeated offenses can result in dismissal from the university. Records of academic dishonesty are kept in the Office of Community Standards and Student Ethics.
  • Student Success Center: The Student Success Center provides an integrated network of support and meets students where they are while empowering and supporting lifelong learning. The Student Success Center is located on the Ground (Basement) Floor, 1st Floor, and 2nd floor of the Houston Cole Library and serves as your one-stop shop for student supports and services. Services include tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic and career support, success coaching, reasonable accommodations, leadership development, and peer mentoring through our Academic Support and Success, Academic and Career Advising, Learning Services and Analytics, First and Second Year Experiences, Disability Resources, and Student Athlete Development offices. To learn more about these services and supports and how to access them, visit https://www.jsu.edu/studentsuccess/index.html
  • Campus Resources for Writing: The Writing Center offers several free in-person and online services including writing and digital writing consultations, virtual presentation audiences, ESL conversation partners, and special-topics workshops for all JSU faculty, staff, and students. A team of undergraduate and graduate consultants are trained to assist with academic, personal, and professional writing. Appointments can be scheduled through the Navigate app. For more information, visit https://www.jsu.edu/english/jsuwrites/index.html
  • Disabilities Resources: Jacksonville State University is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. If you are currently experiencing or anticipate that you will have any barriers to learning in this course, please feel welcome to discuss your concerns with me. It is my goal to create a learning experience that is as accessible as possible. If you have a disability, or think you may have a disability, that may have some impact on your work in this course and for which you may require academic adjustments or accommodations, please work with a staff member in Disability Resources so that accommodations can be considered. Students that receive accommodation letters, or Individualized Post-Secondary Plans (IPPs) should meet with me to discuss the provisions of your accommodations as early in the semester as possible. You can find more information about the Office of Disability Resources on the web or by visiting the Student Success Center on the 2nd Floor of the Houston Cole Library. You may also call (256) 782-8380 or email at disabilityresources@jsu.edu . All discussions will remain confidential.
  • Military Connected Student Statement: The Office of Military & Post-Traditional Student Services serves all active duty, guard, reserve, veteran, and dependent students at JSU. If you have any questions, please contact (256) 782-8838, veterans@jsu.edu, or at the physical location in the basement of Daugette Hall. If you are a student currently serving in the military (Active Duty, Guard, or Reserves) with the potential of being called to military service or training during the course of the semester, you are encouraged to contact your course instructor no later than the first week of class to discuss the class attendance policy. The instructor may make accommodations for this absence or suggest that you take the course at another time.
  • Title IX Statement: Jacksonville State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities that it operates. JSU is required, by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Department of Education regulations to implement Title IX, not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement to not discriminate in educational programs and activities extends to employment by the university and to admission thereto. This may include sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and other conduct that is addressed in our "Sex-Based Harassment and Misconduct Policy." Anyone with knowledge of this type of conduct is asked to immediately report such incidents to the University Police Department at (256) 782-5050 or the Title IX Coordinator at 256.782.5769 or titleix@jsu.edu. If an individual wishes to keep the information confidential, they should speak with a counselor at the Counseling Services office at (256) 782-5475 or a medical provider at JSU's Health Center (256) 782-5310. For more information about Title IX or to report a concern, please visit the JSU Title IX webpage


Required for all Courses with Online Components 

  • Any special requirements including reliable internet access, cameras, or software need to be explicitly stated. See the example below from Dr. Amy Franklin on the use of Honorlock.


Required for all Courses with Laboratory/Studio Components  

(Note: some labs/studios may not need this statement such as music, CS, or Geography. Any lab or studio with any chemical component, including the arts, should include this statement.) 

  • Reproductive Health Statement: JSU teaching laboratories are made safe for students through planning, training, and supervision. However, some chemicals used in laboratories are known teratogens, which means they are hazardous to the developing embryo or fetus. Also, the dangers to the fetus for all chemicals are not known and some may pose a danger to infants and can be transferred via nursing. Students that are pregnant or think they may become pregnant during the semester should contact the professor for the course and/or the Title IX Coordinator at 256.782.5769 or titleix@jsu.edu. A copy of JSU’s Fetal Risk Management Plan is available online. It is strongly recommended that those who are or will become pregnant review the policy and make an informed decision about the risks of lab participation after consultation with their physician. A list of all chemicals used in this lab will be provided upon request. In all instances, a plan for successful completion of laboratory coursework will be created.


Highly Suggested Content 

  • Counseling Resources: As a college student, there may be times when personal stressors interfere with academic performance and/or negatively impact daily life. If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health challenges, please contact Counseling Services at 256.782.5475 for more information or to request an appointment. Students may also stop by the Counseling Center at 147 Trustee Circle (located between Sparkman and Mason Halls) to request services. Additionally, the office offers self-help resources to explore ways students can independently support their mental health. In the event of a crisis after hours, please contact the University Police Department at 256.782.5050 to be connected with the on-call counselor. The National Suicide Prevention hotline (988) is another resource and is available 24 hours a day. You may also reach out to Crisis Text by texting 741 741 where you will be connected to a trained responder.

  • Student Expectations: Detail expectations of your students and expectations they may have for you

  • Additional Text/Materials/Software Information: In addition to the traditional information, include alternative sources such as eBooks, audio books, etc.

  • Additional Technology Preferences: Include a list of the technology that is discouraged or allowable/encouraged in your classroom.

  • Assignment Details: List all assignments with attached point values and explanations of assignment expectations.

  • Important Dates: Make sure to list all scheduled exams, quizzes, assignment due dates, trips, performances, etc.

  • Tips for Success: Share tips for success with your students.

  • Syllabus Disclaimer: Make sure to include a disclaimer that your syllabus and schedule are subject to change with notification to students.



Highly Suggested for Classes with any Online Components 



Below is an example technology statement borrowed from Dr. Amy Franklin, Associate Professor of Mathematics: 

Exam Rules and Honorlock 

  1. An appropriate workspace is required. An appropriate workspace is a table or desk that has enough room, so the webcam can, at all times, view the student’s workspace as well as their hands and face. Students will need to sit at a table or desk that has enough room so they can sit back or to the side of their computer to allow the webcam to view their workspace (i.e. hands, face, scratch paper being used, etc.). If you need to, you can enlarge the view on your computer screen or lean in to read questions or enter answers. Note: Check the camera view once you are in Honorlock to be sure the camera can view your hands, face, and workspace. Honorlock will record your exam session, and I will review all videos for rules compliance.
  2. You will need your JSU ID or driver’s license in order to complete the exam. You will be instructed to show your ID to the webcam.
  3. You will need scratch paper and a pencil or pen. Note: You are to show your scratch paper to the camera before you begin the exam.
  4. You will need a calculator. You may use a handheld calculator or the default calculator provided on your computer. Note: Online calculators, calculators that have been downloaded, and graphing calculators are not allowed. Cell phone calculators are not allowed. Note: You are to show your calculator to the camera before you begin the exam.
  5. You are not allowed to access any online resources such as math websites, videos, etc. during this exam.
  6. You are not allowed to access any personal belongings during the exam. This includes cell phones, tablets, notes, books, etc.

Violation of any of these rules, at any point during the exam, will result in an exam grade of zero. 

NOTE: You must have a reliable webcam, microphone, and high-speed internet in order to complete the exams for this class. The Honorlock internet speed requirements are 1.5 Mbps download and 750 Kbps upload. Everyone should test their internet speed immediately. You can test your internet speed using an online internet speed test. 


Other Important Information