First-Year Writing

One Destination

Our First-Year Writing program meets students where they are in their writing journey. Based on ACT, SAT, or English EdReady initial scores, students are placed into one of three First-Year Writing pathways.

No matter the path, our students all meet in one shared destination. All First-Year Writing course sequences . . .

  • Are a total of 6 hours toward a degree
  • Use the same textbooks
  • Complete the required Writing component of Jax MIX
  • Are prerequisites to 200-level English courses
  • Prepare students for upper-level Writing-Intensive courses in every major as part of JSU’s Writing Across the Curriculum program

Three Paths

Enhanced Path

Traditional Path

Honors Path

EH 105 & 115 and EH 106 & 116

EH 101 and EH 102

EH 103 and EH 104

6 Total Hours

6 Total Hours

6 Total Hours


ACT English Subtest: 17 and Below

SAT English Subtest: 420 and Below

English EdReady Initial Score: 55 and Below


ACT English Subtest: 18 and Above

SAT English Subtest: 430 and Above

English EdReady Initial Score: 56 and Above


ACT English Subtest: 25 and Above

SAT English Subtest: 610 and Above

English EdReady Initial Score: 71 and Above

The Enhanced Path is for writers who thrive at a slower pace and with extra help along the way, provided through the EH 115 and EH 116 Writing Studios

The Traditional Path is for writers who have a strong writing foundation and skill set

The Honors Path is for advanced writers who grow when challenged – not by harder assignments, but by different assignments

English EdReady

All new students take English EdReady and work their study paths to a score of 90 for college preparation. Students without ACT/SAT scores may use their English EdReady Initial Score for placement.

After working the English EdReady study path to a score of 90, students who place into EH 105 and wish to move to EH 101, or students who place into EH 101 and wish to move to EH 103, may take an additional self-assessment to be considered. Students must first be logged in to their MyJaxState accounts in order to access the form below.

Responses to the form questions may only come from the student completing the form, without assistance from other people, sources on the internet, or material generated from artificial intelligence (AI).

Please note: A student may only submit one form per semester.

First-Year Writing Self-Assessment

Questions about English EdReady should be directed to Learning Support Resources at 256-782-5570.

All other questions about First-Year Writing should be directed to the Coordinator of First-Year Writing, Dr. Raina Kostova, at or the Head of the English Department, Dr. Andrea Porter, at