Teresa Reed
212 Stone Center
Teresa Reed has been on faculty at JSU since 1996, and during her years here she has helped develop service-learning opportunities for students, developed the Internship for English majors, and done academic advisement for all English majors and minors. She continues to work on her scholarship as well, most recently having a paper on Fortune in Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde accepted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the New Chaucer Society in Durham, UK (postponed due to COVID-19). She also has presented on experiential learning, including a virtual presentation in the fall of 2020 for the annual meeting of the National Society for Experiential Education focused on implementing service-learning opportunities into the first-year composition classroom.

Courses Taught:
- EH 102 English Composition II
- EH 103 Honors English Composition I
- EH 104 Honors English Composition II
- EH 203 British Literature I: Beginnings to 1800
- EH 204 British Literature II: 1800 to Present
- EH 219 Honors Literature I
- EH 220 Honors Literature II
- EH 250 Introduction to English Studies
- EH 344 Advanced Composition
- EH 401 Chaucer
- EH 415 Advanced Argumentation
- EH 420 Women's Literature
- EH 428 LGBTQ+ Literature
- EH 441 The History of the English Language
- EH 452 Literary Criticism
- EH 453 The English Novel
- EH 491 Internship
- EH 499 Capstone Seminar
- EH 564 Middle English Literature
- Ph.D. in English from University of Florida in 1996
- M.A. in English from University of Virginia in 1991
- B.A in English from Birmingham-Southern College in 1989
Other Responsibilities
- Undergraduate English Advisor
- Curriculum Committee Co-Chair
- Assessment Committee
- Third Year Review Committee
- Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Faculty Mentor Committee Chair
- Odyssey Online Faculty Sponsor
- University American Democracy Project Committee
- Bibliographer for the Studies in the Age of Chaucer annual bibliography published in hard copy each year & available online