Tanya Sasser
211 Stone Center
Ms. Sasser taught 8th and 12th grade English before joining the JSU English Dept. as an adjunct instructor in August 2009 and as a full-time instructor in August 2010. Ms. Sasser teaches introductory composition, American Literature, Writing for Podcasts, and The Graphic Novel. Ms. Sasser has presented papers on John Clare at the Alabama Regional Graduate Conference and ACETA and received the 2009 William J. Calvert Award. Her professional presentations have focused on game-based learning and Marvel comics.

Courses Taught:
- EH 101 English Composition I
- EH 102 English Composition II
- EH 141 Speech
- EH 201 American Literature I: Beginnings to 1865
- EH 202 American Literature II: 1865 to Present
- EH 325 Major Authors (Neil Gaiman)
- EH 332 Writing for Podcasts
- EH 372 The Graphic Novel (Special Topics Include: Manga Mania, Sandman Comics, Netflix Marvel Universe, and Marvel Comics)
- M.A. in Liberal Studies from Jacksonville State University in 2008
- B.A. in English and Social Sciences from the University of Montevallo in 1998
Other Responsibilities
- Imagining the Holocaust Committee
- Reading Series Committee
- Literature Survey Committee
- Library Liaison
- Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society Faculty Sponsor