LiveText Password Help

Retrieving Your Username

If you would like to have your username e-mailed to you, follow these steps:

1. From, click on the Login link in the upper right corner.
2. Click the Forgot password link.
3. Click the link I forgot my Username.
4. Enter your personal school email address. (this is what was used to create your account)
5. Click the Continue button

Resetting Your Password

If you would like to receive an e-mail with a link to reset your password, follow these steps:

1. From, click on the Login link in the upper right corner.
2. Click the Forgot password link.
3. Enter the primary e-mail address on your LiveText account.
4. Click the Continue button.
5. Make sure the first choice (Email to) is selected.
6. Click the Continue button.
7. Check your e-mail account. Look for an e-mail from  with a subject line that begins with LiveText Password Reset Code for.
8. Within the e-mail you've received, click the link provided. This should take you back to the LiveText website and you should see a message stating Reset your password.
9. Enter a new password for your account in the textboxes labeled New Password and Confirm New Password. The password must be identical in both boxes. The password must be at least six characters in length and contain a mix of character types with at least two from the following categories: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numeral, and symbols.
10. Click the Continue button. At this point, you will receive a confirmation message on screen that states your new password has been reset successfully.
11. Click the link Continue to your LiveText Membership account.