Tuition & Fees

Tuition rates for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows for infants through 3-year-olds:

  • JSU full time student = $450 monthly
  • JSU faculty and staff = $525 monthly
  • Community = $600 monthly
  • After school care for PreK = $20 a day

Families will receive monthly statements via email through the ProCare application. Monthly Tuition payments are due on the 5th of each month.

If a family would prefer bi-weekly tuition, the center will gladly accommodate. Those invoices are due on the 1st and 15th of the month. All tuition payments must be made using ProCare, our online credit card payment system. The JSU CDC does NOT provide credit for absences due to illness.

JSU CDC students who transition up from the 3-year-old class must have a zero-dollar tuition balance before enrolling in a CDC Pre-K classroom. Children will not be enrolled in a JSU CDC Pre-K classroom if past due amounts are due to the CDC.

Tuition is not charged for First-Class PreK classrooms/students.

Late Pick-up Fines

Children not picked up by 6:00pm, will occur a $25 late fee charged to the family’s account. Beginning at 6:15pm, an additional $15 will be charged every 15-minute increment (or fraction thereof) during which the child is not picked up. Payment of these fees is subject to the collection policies noted. If we are unable to reach a parent, emergency contacts will be called. If we cannot contact anyone authorized to pick up a child by 6:30pm, JSU University Police will be notified for assistance.

After-School Care Late Payment

After-school care is offered to Pre-K students only. There is a daily rate of $20 per day/$100 a week. There are no discounts for after-school care. After-school care begins at 2:30pm and ends at 6:00pm. You may register for the program anytime during the year.

After-school payments are due on Monday for the previous week. If payment is not received for the previous week by Tuesday at noon, the family will be contacted, and the child will not be allowed to stay for the after-school program until the after-school charges are paid in full. Families are only charged for the days the child is present in the after-school program.

Collection Policies

Tuition or fees not paid within 30 days of the due date will be considered delinquent and will result in the suspension of a child’s enrollment until paid. Tuition or fees not paid within 60 days of the due date will be considered past due. The family will relinquish the child’s spot at the CDC at that time. To re-enroll, the family will have to begin the initial registration process again and may be waitlisted until a space opens for the child. JSU Collections will be notified of any accounts 60 days past due if a payment plan has not been established. If at any time a family fails to abide by the agreed-upon payment plan, collections will be notified, and all past-due fees must be paid.

Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)

4 students at the cdc pose for a group photo with friends

The CCAMPIS Program is authorized by the Higher Education Act and is a federal grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education to support student-parents. This program supports the participation of income-eligible student parents at Jacksonville State University through the provision of childcare services at the CDC.

Full-time Jax State Pre-K student-parents may also qualify for CCAMPIS tuition assistance for the after-care program, which runs daily from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The CCAMPIS Program includes drop-in care for infants and children ages one to four, with costs subsidized based on student-parent Pell Grant awards. This initiative aims to improve access to quality childcare for student-parents, helping them effectively manage their educational and parenting commitments.

For more information, contact Dr. Christi Trucks at 256-782-5053 or email