Staffing and Recruitment

About Us

The JSU Campus Bookstore is proudly operated by Barnes & Noble College and serves under the direction of JSU’s Auxiliary Services Department. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact that office at (256) 782-5557.

Meet Our Staff

Kristi Webster

Kristi Webster

Store Manager  

Christiana Stephens

Christiana Stephens

Assistant Manager

Sophie Johnson

Sophie Johnson

Department Manager - Athletics

Hannah DeVoe

Hannah Devoe

Part-Time Supervisor

Davis Scott

Davis Scott

Part-Time Supervisor

Interested in Joining Our Team?

Student employees pose with Cocky and balloons inside the JSU Campus BookstoreThe Campus Bookstore typically hires twice a year - for Fall RUSH and then again for Spring RUSH. The Campus Bookstore is an equal opportunity employer, and hires students and non-students alike. All employees of the Campus Bookstore work directly for Barnes & Noble College. Bookstore employees start under a 90-day “temporary” position...but have ample opportunity to move up!

View Current Barnes & Noble Job Postings

Campus Bookstore employees receive discounts on their textbooks, as well as on JSU Merchandise. 

Barnes & Noble Management Development Program for Students

The JSU Campus Bookstore also participates in Barnes & Noble’s management development program for those student workers interested in moving forward in a retail management career/role.

  • Our Bestseller Management Development Program puts you on the path to an exciting career in retail management. Through a unique combination of on-the-job training, formal and informal education, and special retail projects, the Bestseller program prepares participants for a career with Barnes & Noble College, the nation’s leading academic retailer.
  • The Bestseller program is much more than a part-time job. It is an unmatched opportunity to learn with the industry’s top retail professionals and to develop your operational and management skills - hands on.

Download Our Printable Bestseller Brochure

You Matter graphic featuring the logo and photos of a group of students standing on Burgess-Snow Field and two female students wearing Jacksonville State sweatshirts