Kristi Webster
Store Manager
The JSU Campus Bookstore is proudly operated by Barnes & Noble College and serves under the direction of JSU’s Auxiliary Services Department. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact that office at (256) 782-5557.
Part-Time Supervisor
Part-Time Supervisor
The Campus Bookstore typically hires twice a year - for Fall RUSH and then again for Spring RUSH. The Campus Bookstore is an equal opportunity employer, and hires students and non-students alike. All employees of the Campus Bookstore work directly for Barnes & Noble College. Bookstore employees start under a 90-day “temporary” position...but have ample opportunity to move up!
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Campus Bookstore employees receive discounts on their textbooks, as well as on JSU Merchandise.
The JSU Campus Bookstore also participates in Barnes & Noble’s management development program for those student workers interested in moving forward in a retail management career/role.
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