While the Campus Bookstore stocks graduation products year-round, we typically suggest graduates purchase items no more than two months in advance. This allows for date changes (tassels) and any departmental upgrades between terms.
Graduation Has Finally Arrived!

Congratulations on Your Achievements, Gamecocks!
For information regarding name pronunciation, diplomas, or professional photographs, please visit the Registrar's Graduation Page.
DVD copies of the ceremony will be discontinued following December 2021 due to university livestreaming.
Graduation Regalia
Master's Graduates and Doctoral Students, you will need to purchase the Degree Hood that corresponds with your earned diploma.

Regalia Prices
Bachelor Unit
(Cap, Gown, & Tassel) $78.98 + tax
Cap ONLY $10.98 + tax
Tassel ONLY $8.98 + tax
Master’s Bundle
(Cap, Gown, HOOD, & Tassel) $131.98 + tax
Master's Unit (Cap, Gown & Tassel) ONLY $82.98 + tax
Master's Hood ONLY $48.98 + tax
Doctoral Unit (Tam, Gown, Hood, & Tassel) $157.98 + tax
Souvenir Tam/Tassel $78.98 + tax
DSC Rental Unit (Online Orders) $151.98 + tax
DNP Rental Unit (Online Orders) $151.98 + tax
DNP Purchase
(Custom Order *allow 8 weeks) $1068.00 + tax
- Latin Honor Cord $18.98 + tax
- (White) First Gen. Stole $37.98 + tax
- (Red) Stole of Gratitude $40.98 + tax
- (Blue) Veteran Stole $44.98 + tax
- Flag Tassel $16.98 + tax
- Military Stoles (Active Duty/Veteran) $57.98 + tax
- Ambassador V-Stoles $55.98 + tax
- Marching Southerner Stoles $61.98 + tax
- Kente or Pride (Rainbow) Stoles $57.98 + tax
Graduation Accessories
Looking for class rings or announcements? The JSU Campus Bookstore is proud to partner with Jostens to bring you the best of the best in graduation products!
“As The Most Trusted Partner in Celebrating Moments That Matter, the essence of our mission is conveyed with three simple words: Capture. Celebrate. Inspire. It’s all about recognizing life’s most important moments and inspiring the creation and celebration of even more.
Commemorating milestones takes many forms. Whether it’s the custom graduation announcements that spread the news to loved ones far and wide, that perfectly framed diploma radiating with pride, or the tassel hanging from your rearview mirror, we honor the stories written by you. These are your moments that matter.”
Standard Ring Collection SaraChloe For Jostens (Fashion Jewelry) Announcements and Cards Luxe Jewelry Collection Affiliation AccessoriesCustomized Diploma and Certificate Frames
The JSU Campus Bookstore continues our partnership with Framing Success to supply our graduates with the best frames and unbeatable customer service.
Standard frames are stocked year-round at the Campus Bookstore and may be ordered through our online website. Official Diplomas are mailed by the Registrar’s Office 3-4 weeks following graduation.
Attention Alumni: Our Diploma sizes have changed! If you graduated prior to December 2015, you would need to order directly from Framing Success, selecting the frames marked (Pre 12/15).