Sponsor the AAS Annual Meeting
Sponsorships for the AAS/AJAS Annual Meeting are an important and appreciated way to support science education in Alabama! Thank you in advance for doing your part!
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum: $3,000+
Recognition in the Centennial Celebration program, signage, table, and website, science fair, AJAS/Gorgas materials (statewide distribution); corporate partner membership on Executive Committee. Banquet Tickets for six.
Diamond: $2,000+
Recognition in the Centennial Celebration program, signage, table, and website, science fair, AJAS/Gorgas materials (statewide distribution); corporate partner membership on Executive Committee. Tickets for four
Gold: $500
Recognition in the Centennial Celebration program, signage, table, and website Tickets for two
Silver: $500
Recognition in the Centennial Celebration program, signage, table, and website.
Fill Out Your Sponsorship Form on the AAS Website
AAS is a registered 501-C3 organization