Call for Paper & Poster Titles
Papers and posters are invited for each of the following sections of the Academy. At least one author must be a member of the Academy. Membership application is available on the Alabama Academy of Science, Inc., website
Section Officers, 2023-2024
Section I: Biological Sciences:
- Chair: (2024) Grover Brown, Dept. of Biology, Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL 36265,
Section II: Chemistry:
- Chair: (2024) Stephen Slauson, Dept. of Chemistry and Geosciences, Jacksonville State Univ., Jacksonville, AL 36265,
Section III: Physics and Mathematics:
- Chair: (2024) Byunghoon Lee, Dept. of Mathematics, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL
Section IV: Engineering and Computer Science:
- Chair: (2024), Heejoon Park, Dept. of Engineering Technology, University of North Alabama, Florence, AL 35632,
Section V: Social Sciences:
- Chair: (2024) Mohit Anand, Division of Business and Accounting, Miles College, Fairfield, AL 35064,
Section VI: Anthropology:
- Chair: (2024) Jason Heaton, Department of Biology, Birmingham Southern College, Birmingham, AL 35254, (205) 226-7816,
- Vice Chair: (2023) Recently Vacant.
Section VII: STEM Education:
- Chair: (2024) Sami Raut, Dept. of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294,
- Vice Chair: (2024). Vacant
Section VIII: Environmental and Earth Science:
- Chair: (2024) Shaoyang Liu, Dept. of Chemistry, Troy University, Troy, AL36082,
- Vice Chair: (2023) Fahad Rabbani, Department of Environmental HealthSciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL 35294,
Section IX: Health Sciences:
- Chair: (2024) R. Mark Caulkins, Physician Assistant Program, Samford University, Birmingham, AL 35229 (205) 726-4835,
Section X: Bioethics and History and Philosophy of Science:
- Chair: (2022) Clark Lundell, Dept. of Industrial & Graphic Design, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849,
- C-Chair Chair: (2022). James Bradley
How to Submit
- The Title and Abstract Submission site for oral paper and poster presentations is available after December 15th on the Academy web site –
- All titles and abstracts must be SUBMITTED ONLINE by January 15, 2024. All presenters must register for the meeting. At least one author of a paper or poster presentation must be a member of the Academy. Please see to easily complete the membership application and pay online.
- Student members’ papers and/or posters are entered in the Student Paper and Poster Competition (see Academy website for requirements), and winners will be announced at the banquet for each section and receive cash awards. Competition winners are encouraged to submit a full paper for publication in the Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science.
- Follow the directions given on the site for listing the title, presenter’s name, coauthors, and official title of the institution, company, or organization. All presenters must register for the meeting. This will assure accurate listing of your presentation in the online and hard copies of the program. The online version of the program will be the official version of the program for the annual meeting and should be available on the Academy website two weeks prior to the meeting. Directions concerning poster size requirements can be found on the website.