JSU Summer Bridge Program

Your Bridge to Success

The Summer Bridge Program is designed to provide a comprehensive program of orientation and academic support created to ease the transition from high school to college. Students participate in a five-week session consisting of college classes, workshops, advisement and career advising events, and activities. The program offers students the opportunity to experience college life before the fall semester while earning 7 credit hours. The students will live on campus and attend classes Monday through Friday.


Success Coaching

A benefit of the JSU Summer Bridge Program is the assignment of a success coach who will also serve as the students first year advisor. The success coach will meet with the student three times per semester during their time at JSU to offer academic coaching and assist the student with necessary resources.

Summer Courses - 7 Credit Hours of 100 Level Courses

This course is designed to strengthen students’ college preparation skills and enhance students’ ability to integrate knowledge from science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics, and literature to creatively solve problems.  

Individualized freshman seminar providing supportive guidance in study skills, problem-solving, decision-making, and college adjustment.

Mathematics laboratory designed to prepare students for their first college-level math.

Communication skills, computer literacy, and leadership strategies for student and professional success. Career Events offered during this class.

Fall Courses - 15 Credit Hours

First Year Writing Course

Math class based on Major

Individualized development of reading and thinking skills across multiple types of literacy.

You'll work with your advisor to decide which courses are right for you and your education journey. A list of General Degree Requirements can be found in our University Catalog.

Estimated Pricing for Summer Bridge Program:

Tuition $1,206.50 (7 credit hours for half price and included $6 LS course fee)
Housing $870
Meal Plan $1060 (8 meals per week with $400 flex)
Books Provided by the program (Savings of over $300)
University Fees $200
Gamecock Orientation Fee $100
Student ID Fee $15
Total Tuition and Fees $3,445.50 (Program cost is eligible for Financial Aid 2023-2024)

Want to Learn More?

Email jsubridge@jsu.edu for more information.