Safe Zone
About Safe Zone
JSU Safe Zone is a campus-wide program that works to ensure a welcoming environment for all gender identities and sexual orientations. By establishing an identifiable network of trained individuals committed to fostering an atmosphere of respect and inclusion, the program provides a safe space for members of the LGBTQ community and their Allies on campus.
Students can locate Safe Zone areas by locating a Safe Zone sticker on the door of an advocate. JSU will offer basic and advanced Safe Zone training opportunities every semester to our JSU campus community.
All trainings last an hour, unless otherwise listed.
Student LGBTQ+ Organizations and Support Groups
- Umbrella Alliance - Contact Erin Dempsey at The mission of Umbrella Alliance is to be a LGBTQ group that offers support, snacks, and speakers for trans and gender non-conforming students.
- Full Spectrum - Contact or Morgan Dotson at The mission of Full Spectrum is to promote a safe, non-judgmental environment for people of all sexual and gender identities and their allies.
- LGBTQ+ Support Group - The LGBTQ+ Support Group meets Thursdays at 5:00PM during the Fall and Spring semester. Contact or call (256)-782-5475 for more information. *Location for Fall 2023 to be determined.
Alumni LGBTQ+ Organizations:
- JSU LGBTQ+ Alumni Chapter - Contact Information on the group's Facebook Page. The mission of the Jacksonville State University’s LGBTQ+ Alumni Chapter is to foster community among, and provide networking for, JSU’s LGBTQ+ alumni; and much more.
Faculty and Staff LGBTQ+ Organizations
- LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Collective - Contact Information: The mission of The Jacksonville State University LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Collective is to contribute to and support a welcoming and inclusive environment that values Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Ally Faculty and Staff as an essential component of JSU’s diverse community. This organization will provide support and/or mentoring for LGBTQ+ students, strengthen outreach to and retention of our LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and students, and provide opportunities for fun social events and professional networking within the JSU community. The group will meet monthly to discuss the latest LGBTQ+ issues, organize meetings, and coordinate events and social activities throughout the year.
Safe Zone Ally Lunches
The Safe Zone Ally Lunches are open to the JSU community. The lunches provide opportunities for community members to engage, support, and learn more about LGBTQ+ activities and advocacy opportunities in the local community.
Check back often for upcoming Safe Zone Ally lunch dates.
Resources for the LGBTQ Community
JSU Resources
- Preferred Name Request (Registrar's office)
- Counseling Services
- Student Health Center
- JSU Library LGBTQ+ Resource Collection -
- Title IX
- LGBTQ Vocabulary List -
- Trevor Project -
- It Gets Better -
- Human Rights Campaign -
- LGBT Rights Toolkit -
- ACLU Alabama -
- Magic City Wellness Center -
- Birmingham AIDS Outreach -
- Queer Med - Home - Queer Med
- TransWhat? - Trans • What?
- Alcohol Rehab Guide -
- Health Services Center -
- 2nd Chance, Inc. -
- Point Foundation (Scholarships) -
- Trans Lifeline -
- Affirming Local Churches -
- Financing & Support for Gender Confirmation Surgery -
- LGBTQ+ Financial Support and Resources -
- LGBTQ+ Resources for Addiction and Mental Health -
- Additional resources for LGBTQIA+ College Students -
- Addiction & Mental Health Support Resources -
- Alabama Free Alcohol & Drug Rehab Centers -
- GLAAD Campus Ambassador Program -
Reporting Concerns to JSU
Our Sex-Based Harassment and Misconduct policy protects you! Discrimination based on sex, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking are all prohibited, regardless of gender, age, position, or authority. As our policy states:
“Jacksonville State University (JSU) is committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive campus community where all can feel secure and free from sexual harassment, discrimination, and misconduct in the classroom, social environments, recreational environments, residential environments, and the workplace. With this in mind, all members of the JSU community are expected to adhere to the requirements of the law, to the standards set forth in this policy, and to other codes of conduct.”
Please report any concerns or contact our Title IX Coordinator 256-782-5769.
Do you have a concern, but it isn’t specifically covered by the policy? You can still report the concern anonymously and we can make sure that it gets to a staff member who can promptly address your concern.