UA Summer Scholars Program Testimonials

Britza Rojas

Britza Rojas
  • Undergraduate: Jacksonville State University, May 2025, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Minor in Psychology
  • Undergraduate Involvement: I had the immense privilege of participating in the 2024 Summer Scholars Program at the University of Alabama’s School of Law. The Summer Scholars Program is a free program for undergraduate students that focuses on underrepresented backgrounds in the law.  I’m so thankful for Dr. Lori Owens’ recommendation to apply for this program. 
  • My Personal Experience: Throughout this four-week program, I was able to engage with a diverse group of accomplished attorneys, esteemed judges, and distinguished law professors, gaining invaluable insights into critical thinking, legal writing, and analysis. Beyond classroom learning, we explored the realities of the legal profession through visits to historic courthouses and discussions with legal professionals. This experience not only enhanced my understanding of the law but also equipped me with essential tools for my future career, including LSAT preparation strategies, law school application advice, and practical tips for navigating the legal field. The program was truly inspiring, providing both the knowledge and motivation needed to pursue a successful career in law.
  • Advice to Students: This was truly an unforgettable experience. Memories that were created and conversations had provided new insights and perspectives that were both enlightening and inspiring.  I am genuinely grateful that I had this opportunity.  I recommend all students should explore this program. 

Gualdalupe Orozco

  • Undergraduate: Jacksonville State University, 2022 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Minor in Business Economics
  • Law School: University of Alabama (3L)
  • Undergraduate Involvement: Orozco participated in the LSAC PLUS Program (now known as the Summer Scholars Program) at the University of Alabama in 2019. The paid four-week summer program is designed to prepare students for law school or a career in the legal profession by helping them to develop essential core competencies needed to succeed in these areas.
  • My Personal Experience:  During this four-week program, I attended classes that focused on legal writing and analysis, the U.S. Legal System along with a survey of law class which explored areas of law including: property, environmental, employment, family, evidence and many more.  There was even a “Dress for Success” workshop that was offered.  This was a great opportunity that allowed me to network with others in the legal field as well as participate in a roundtable lunch with UA’s Law School faculty. This program was an unforgettable experience, and I highly recommend students apply.  
  • Advice for those preparing for law school: 1) Do not compare yourself with others, 2) Do not slack off, 3) Be prepared to read and work, 4) Do your best on the exams, 5) Do not burn your bridges, 6) Do not stress yourself, and 7) Apply.

 Gualdalupe Orozco