Dr. Jeremy A. Ross
Assistant Professor
220D Brewer Hall
Phone: 256-782-5620
Fax: 256-782-5168
Dr. Ross's teaching style is interactive. He engages students in a dialogue, incorporating humor and imagination into the classroom. Inspired by Paulo Freire, Dr. Ross believes that education has the ability to be transformative and liberating.
In his free time, Dr. Ross enjoys playing music, Judo, and spending time with his friends and family.

Courses Taught
SY 221 Introduction to Sociology
SY 223 Social Problems
SY 300 Critical Thinking Media and Society
SY 326 Sociology of Education
SY 366 Religion, Spirituality & Cults
SY 499 Senior Sociological Seminar
Academic/Research Interests
Dr. Ross’ research primarily focuses on how everyday people interpret, negotiate, and manage institutional constraints. His current research addresses local perceptions and reactions to risk information and materials concerning the chemical weapons stockpile and incinerator in Anniston. This research suggests that the distribution and consumption of emergency information and materials primarily work to confirm, legitimate, and reify the established social order. His previous research documented the experiences of public teachers struggling with increasing standardization in Tennessee.
Current Research
- Ross, Jeremy A. and Alexis P. Paige. “Objects Not to Themselves: The Anthropocentrism of
- Herbert Blumer.” Writing Results
- Ross, Jeremy A. and Christopher Morgan. “Outside the Canopy: Anthropocentrism in the Sociology of Peter Berger.” Under Review
- Ross, Jeremy A. and Tyler Gay. “Holding Our Breath: Risk and Safety in Postmodernity.” Under Review
- Durkheim's Homo Duplex: Anthropocentrism in Sociology" (Writing Results)
- Previous analyses of anthropocentrism in sociological theory trace the origins of anthropocentrism to George Herbert Mead. This study addresses anthropocentrism in the influential works of Emile Durkheim. At the core of Durkheim’s theory is his concept of the homo duplex, an inherent but tentative quality separating humans from all other animals. Durkheim uses the homo duplex as an ontological device, as he defines humanity as having the unique capacity to create and participate in the social. This collective process permits humans to transcend the profane, or what he observes as the immoral, passionate, animalistic individualism of non-human animals, into social solidarity, morality, and ultimately, the sacred. This key distinction serves as the basis of all Durkheimian theory. This profound anthropocentrism becomes significant considering the degree of Durkheim’s influence on the field of sociology and the extent of anthropocentrism in sociology as a whole.
Oklahoma State University, Ph.D. in Sociology
Dissertation: The Anniston Study: Chemical Weapons Incineration and the Negotiation of Risk -
Middle Tennessee State University, M.A. in Sociology
Dissertation: Conversations Beyond the Classroom: Establishing Voice for Local Teachers -
Jacksonville State University, B.A. in Sociology and Political Science
Ross, J., Deshotels, T. H., & Forsyth, C. J. (2016). Fantasy Objects: The Perception of Safety of Emergency Shelter in Place Kits, 37(6), 692–708.