Notes to WAY STATIONS by Elizabeth Robins

Notes to Way Stations

by Elizabeth Robins

Prepared by Joanne E. Gates

This published work of Elizabeth Robins has public domain status, as it was publilshed prior to 1923. Permission to format the text for the internet was secured by the then literary executor, Mabel Smith.

Electronic formatting, introductions, annotations and hyptertext versions are copyright Joanne E. Gates. (Many thanks to Linda Casey for a keen eye in locating typos, which are now incorporated.) The texts at this site may be used for unpublished research and for distribution in classrooms as long as they are made available in unaltered form.

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CITATION. Use the following format for MLA style citation of this edition:

Author. Title. Print publication, and URL of the site; editor [Joanne E. Gates], title, text chapter(s); the date of the last update and the date the document was retrieved; and URL of the specific text.

Table of Contents

The Dodd Mead copy text has unnumbered "Contents" pages. Note these corrections:

At Chapter XIII, The Women Writers at the Criterion, the correct date is May 23, 1911.

Woman's War. In the original table of contents, "Woman's War" was misprinted as "Woman's Way," but the original McClure's article and bottom of page note for the start of the essay on p. 349, give authority for the change here to its correct title, "Woman's War."


serried: crowded or dense, pressed together.


The quotation is attributed to St. Chrysostom, A.D. 347-407, Archbishop of Constantinople, with reference to his views on women endorsed by church fathers: "a necessary evil, a natural temptation, a desirable calamity, a domestic peril, a deadly fascination, and a painted ill!"


All the world's a stage: See Jaques in Shakespeare's As You Like It, II, vii:

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

as well as Antonio in The Merchant of Venice, I, i:

I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano;
A stage where every man must play a part,
And mine a sad one.


ineluctable: irresistible; impossible to avoid; inevitable.


put away childish things. From 1 Corinthians 13:11: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."


The epigraph is from Mathew 13: 2-3.


The quotations are from line 90 and lines 139-40 of William Wordsworth's "Laodamia," c. 1813-1814.


slings and arrows: from Hamlet's famous soliloquy in III, i:

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?


For men must work: Attributed to Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), The Three Fishers.


Unkindest cut of all. The allusion is to Antony's funeral oration for Caesar in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. He tells the citizens that Brutus delivered the "most unkindest cut of all."  


Women Writers at the Criterion. The correct date of this essay is May 23, 1911, misprinted as 1910 in this copy text, but verified in ER's diary and the Hodder and Stoughton Company's publication of the text. Moreover, it is not cross referenced to its collected form here in Way Stations, where, in Sue Thomas' bibliography, she lists this earlier printing in Miscellaneous Essays: 183. 'The Real Woman.' Votes for Women 30 June 1911: 639. Boldly subtitled, "A Speech Delivered by Miss Elizabeth Robins at The Women Writers' Suffrage League Meeting," that earlier printing is, in fact, this essay. Perhaps Thomas overlooked identifying it because Robins states in the Author's Note that a separate Women Writers' Suffrage League speech, Chapter VIII, had not previously been published. The version of the essay as it appeared in Votes for Women can be read online from the Archive at LSE, Click on the image for full access to the issue. Page 639 is the right side of the second screen shot. Google has also digitized this issue of Votes for Women. Search for Votes for Women alphabetically at  


In the original, the close-quotation mark at end of paragraph has no corresponding open quotation mark. For this edition, the phrase "Votes for Women" is set off by the pair of quotation marks.


In the printed text, this lead-in sentence is inset and run in with the block quotation following. It has been adjusted to conform with block quotation style.


The three inset paragraphs on this page are not inset in the printed text, but are formatted in a manner to conform to block quotations elsewhere.


Footnote: The Dodd Mead copytext has "March 7, 1911" as the date, a misprint for 1912 that is corrected in this on-line edition.


and 302. Inset paragraphs of direct quotation at bottom of this page and on page 302 are not inset in the original. The change is made to conform to style established elsewhere, on pages 77-78.

The original text for "Sermons in Stones" is the April 1912 Issue of the London-based Contemporary Review. It can be found in image form at HathiTrust, Volume 101 Jan-Jun 1912. For the first page of this printing of the article, see this image. Robins' name appears only on the last page of the article and in the ninth image of the volume at the Table of Contents for the April issue.


It appears that a typographical misprint has left off the close-quotation mark after ship.


Robins has quoted Gladstone's reference to violence in a previous chapter, "The Prisoner's Banquet." To page 31.


"Prim little scholars . . . if they please," from lines 97-98 of George Meredith's "Love in the Valley," originally 1851.

Table of Contents for Way Stations

Available on the web since July 1999