Geen Baceler by Elizabeth Robins
Published originally in 1901 by Macmillan and Company, ltd., London.
The May Book is a charity effort undertaken by Mrs. Aria (Eliza Davis).
The contribution of Elizabeth Robins begins on page 79 and continues to 87, interrupted by an unnumbered leaf after page 84 reproducing a sketch of Sir Henry Irving by Hamilton Maclure (not reproduced in the local files). Although Joseph Pennell contributes a sketch that is printed opposite the first page of Robins's story and although his wife, Elizabeth Robins Pennell is sometimes mistaken for Elizabeth Robins, the story is almost certainly by the actress-writer Robins, born 1862, and not by the writer married to the sketch artist, Elizabeth Robins Pennell. Sue Thomas lists the work by Elizabeth Robins in her bibliography. The curious title arises from Robins's imitation of the young child's pronunciation of "Green Bracelet," the search for which, when it appears to be missing, forming the main plot.
Open Library has the complete May Book, from the Boston Library copy.
To the Open Library file (Complete copy showing cover)
Complete copy showing opening page of Robins story:
Local content. Page image grabs of just the story: CropsMay Book containing ImagesGB.pdf
Transcription by Joanne E. Gates in word format to preserve layout of original: PDFGeenBaceler.pdf