Quality Enhancement Plan
What is the QEP?
The QEP is a requirement of JSU’s SACSCOC reaffirmation process that occurs every ten years. The QEP is a long-term initiative that focuses on improving some facet of student learning outcomes or student success. QEP topics are proposed by teams of faculty and staff from across the JSU community.
Who Can Participate in the QEP?
All faculty and staff are encouraged to get involved in the QEP by submitting a proposal. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged to work together to explore topics and develop proposals. Opportunities to network and write proposals with other faculty and staff from across campus are scheduled to take place at the JSU Faculty Commons. Please see the Get Involved! page for more information and to register for these events.
How Will Proposals be Evaluated?
The QEP Selection Committee will accept proposals until May 10, 2022. Proposals will be evaluated according to the rubric posted on the QEP website. It is possible that more than one proposal will be selected. In this case, the JSU Community will be asked to select the topic that they feel best supports the University and its mission.
What Happens Once a QEP Proposal is Selected?
JSU will commit resources to initiate, implement, and complete the QEP. The members of the selected proposal team will serve as the QEP Leadership Team, responsible for writing the QEP plan, coordinating with JSU administrators, and implementing the five-year plan, once approved.