Resources for Military

The following are resources that can be used by Faculty and Staff members at JSU.  They should help to educate the JSU community on transitional concerns, teaching strategies that benefit military students, and how to best support the military students in your program:

  1. Teaching Student Veterans - Resources for Instructors (University of Washington)
  2. Supporting Veterans in the Classroom (American Association of University Professors)
  3. VA Campus Toolkit (Department of Veterans Affairs)
  4. Top 10 Things Student Veterans Would Like Faculty to Know (American Association of Community Colleges)
  5. Tips for Making your Syllabus Veteran Friendly (Department of Veterans Affairs)

What Service Means to the JSU Family

Suggested Military Student Syllabus Statement

If you are a student currently serving in the military (Active Duty, Guard, or Reserves) with the potential of being called to military service or training during the course of the semester, you are encouraged to contact your course instructor no later than the first week of class to discuss the class attendance policy.  The instructor may make accommodations for this absence or suggest that you take the course at another time.