Zeros in Gradebook Caused by Copying Gradebook Late Policy

What has happened:
  • You discover zeros entered into one or more Gradebook columns for some or all students before the associated assignment due date has arrived, but you did not enter the zeros.
How this happened:
  1. You have a past course which uses the Late Policies in Gradebook Settings to apply zeros to missing submissions, and one or more assignments with due dates relevant to that past term.
  2. You copied the course to a course in an upcoming or current term and included Settings in the copy selection (or chose 'All content', which also includes Settings).
  3. Since the due dates are in the past, and you have the Late Policy enabled and set to enter zeros, the assignments with due dates in the past suddenly get zeros for everyone's grade in the destination course.
  4. You then updated the due dates in the current course to relevant future dates for the upcoming or current term.
  5. Additional students get added to the course.  By this time, you have new due dates, so the Late Policy has no effect on them and no zeros get entered for these students unless there is no submission when the due date passes.
How to avoid this in the future:
  1. When performing a course copy, DO NOT use the 'All content' selection.  Instead, choose 'Select specific content', and when selecting the content DO NOT CHOOSE THE FOLLOWING:
    • Settings
    • External Tools (this is not related to this topic, but is a recommendation for other reasons)
  2. After the course is copied, in your destination course immediately update due dates to future dates relevant to the current or upcoming term.
  3. After you update the due dates, you may then re-enable Late Policies if desired.
How to Correct the Zeros Now that it has Occurred - Two solutions are available at this point.  The one you choose depends on a few variables.
  • Solution to erase zeros when no student submissions exist in a grade column:
    1. In each column where unwanted zeros have been automatically entered because of your Late Policy in combination with due dates in the past:
      1. From the vertical ellipsis menu available to the right of a column name, choose Set Default Grade.
      2. Leave the Default Grade entry box empty.
      3. Select 'Overwrite already-entered grades' (be sure no submissions exist already from students; if they do, they will also get set to 0, but if you don't select the overwrite option the other zeros won't get erased).
      4. Click 'Set Default Grade'.
      5. The zeros are erased, leaving blank grade cells.
      6. If you did accidentally complete this procedure in a column where a submission existed, the grade for the submission should still exist but it just doesn't display.  You should be able to go to SpeedGrader and use the Update Grade button at the bottom of the student submission to bring back the grade of the submission.
      7. Once a student submits for the assignment/exam, the real grade for their submission should overwrite the default grade of zero.
  • Solution to erase zeros without erasing grades that already exist:
    1. In each grade cell in each column, manually remove each zero grade.

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