Canvas Course Access

Canvas Enrollment Access

The Official Course Creation and Course Enrollment Process

All official course enrollments in Banner (instructors and students) are now synced with Canvas almost instantaneously. Online@JSU does not manually add them.
  • This sync is almost immediate in most cases, updating Canvas from Banner within an hour or less depending on the volume of data being processed at any given time.
  • All instructors assigned to teach courses should be added to the course first in Banner by each department's administrative assistant.
  • Instructors will then be added to Canvas via the next Banner/Canvas sync. Students are added to courses in Canvas by enrolling in courses during registration.
  • The students are imported into the Canvas course during the next Banner/Canvas sync. 

Requesting Course Access Outside the Official Process

In certain situations, administrators and instructors request that instructors, students, and graduate assistants be added to official Canvas courses outside the formal process described above. Please know that there are official processes in place for such requests. 
  • All Supplemental Instructors who require Canvas access must follow an official process through Academic Support and Success, Supplemental Instruction. This office will provide a list of verified Supplemental Instructors who have also completed FERPA training to Online@JSU. There are no exceptions to this process.
  • All Clinical Instructors who require Canvas access outside the formal course creation process must complete the hiring process with the Office of Human Resources and complete FERPA training as verified by the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office will then provide a list of verified Clinical Instructors to Online@JSU. There are no exceptions to this process.
  • All Graduate Assistants who require Canvas access must submit a GA contract through Graduate Studies:  If you have submitted a GA contract, please get in touch with HR to check your contract status. (Note: You must turn in all documents to HR and complete FERPA before Canvas access can be granted). Any questions? Please email and/or 
  • Other - If you feel your request does not meet the above scenarios and wish for it to be evaluated, go to the Request Special Access to a Canvas Course section of our Forms page to review additional information and submit a request using the form link provided.