Dr. Jeremy Benson
Mason Hall 102
(256) 782-5062
2019 JSU Lecturer of the Year Award Recipient2012 JSU Ringer Award for Professional Development Award RecipientDr. Jeremy Benson, American flutist and pedagogue, joined the faculty at the David L. Walters Department of Music in the fall of 2011. His primary duties include teaching flute studies and serving as the Conductor and Music Director of the JSU Civic Symphony. An active soloist, chamber musician, and adjudicator, Dr. Benson was awarded 2nd Prize at the International Music Grand Prix in 2021 in Washington, D.C. he received the 1st Prize Award at the 2011 Alexander & Buono International Flute Competition at Carnegie Hall in New York City, NY, the 1st prize winner at the Kentucky Flute Society's Concerto Competition, and served as an American ambassador at the 2023 International Festivale of Flutists in Lima, Peru. He has served on adjudication panels for several national flute competitions and masterclasses, in addition to being a lecturer and performer at national and regional flute conventions. He serves as the Principal Flutist in the Alabama Winds, the Gadsden Symphony Orchestra, and the Rome Symphony Orchestra. He has performed with artists and singers including Jay-Z, Reba McEntire, Marvin Hamlisch, and others.

Courses Taught
- Flute Studies
- JSU Civic Symphony
- Band Literature & Pedagogy
- Graduate Music Literature
- Music Performance Pedagogy
- Introduction to Music
- Doctor of Musical Arts, Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts
- Master's in Music Performance, The Florida State University
- Bachelor of Arts in Music, Jacksonville State University
Academic & Research Interests
Dr. Benson is the leading researcher and expert about flute compositions by the 20th/21st century Japanese-French composer Yuko Uѐbayashi, and his doctoral research serves as the only primary source about Uѐbayashi and her original flute compositions. He has published recordings with NAXOS, Mark Customs, and Cantilena Studios.Other Responsibilities
- Conductor of the JSU Civic Symphony
- Conductor of the Jacksonville Opera Theatre
- JSU Music Department Graduate Advisor
- Director of Music, Heflin First United Methodist Church
- President of the Florida Flute Association
Publications and Presentations
- Benson, J. (2023). Cantilena Records Label, Kuhlau Trios.New York City, NY: Kiesel Studios
- Benson, J. (2019). Cantilena Records Label, EARTH. Birmingham, Alabama: BBR Studios
- Benson, J. (2016). Romance for Flute and Piano. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: Little Piper Publishing Company
- Benson, J. (2016). Sicilienne & Rigaudon for Flute and Piano. Bloomfield Hills, Michigan: Little Piper Publishing Company.