JSU Community Orchestra
Dr. Jeremy Benson, Director

The Jacksonville State University / Community Orchestra was founded in 1994 by Dr. Victor Vallo as the JSU Chamber Orchestra. It is composed of a full complement of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings. String players in the JSUCO consist of JSU students and members of the community, including JSU faculty members, local private teachers, and semi-professional players. The woodwind, brass, and percussion sections of the JSUCO are made up primarily of JSU music students.
The JSUCO performs three concerts throughout the season, including a Christmas concert and Fall and Spring programs featuring traditional symphonic repertoire. Repertoire is selected from the standard orchestral repertoire, and has included the music of Haydn, Rossini, Vivaldi, Schubert, Mozart, Copland, Beethoven, Handel, Bizet, Grieg, Gounod, and Elgar. The ensemble also sponsors a concerto and aria competition each year, selecting three soloists who perform on the spring concert.