Dr. David L. Walters Tribute
KL Brown Funeral home website with Dr. Walter's Obituary It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of one of our greatest band directors. A legend here at JSU and a dearly loved man of the Jacksonville State University Marching Southerners. His influence reaches deep and far through out the world of music and known as PaPaw by many and is considered a father figure for us all. Here are some videos and information about Dr. Walters for you to watch, contemplate, and enjoy! Thank you Dr. Walters (Uncle Dave) for all of your dedication to your family, students, colleagues, and Southerners family. We will miss you greatly. "Be kind to one another" - Dr. David L. Walters |
The arrangements for Dr. Walters are as follows:
Visitation Sunday, January 3rd from 11:30 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. The funeral service will take place at 2:00 p.m. Both the viewing and the funeral will be held at The First Presbyterian Church of Anniston, Al. Burial will follow the service at The Ashland City Cemetery in Ashland, Al.
Anniston Star Article - David Walters, longtime leader of JSU bands, dies at 92