JSU Style Guide

Graphic Standards

JSU's identity system includes an identifying logo and specified colors and typography. The system serves the university in two important ways:

• It communicates that JSU is a leader among universities.

• It provides visual cohesiveness for JSU's many communications.

From websites, advertisements, letterheads, signage, and recruitment materials, this single, unifying identity strengthens all promotional and informational pieces that represent this university.

Maintaining the coherence of JSU's visual communications is a vital step in protecting the integrity of its image. By using the logo correctly at all times, you help ensure that the university continues to enhance its reputation as a premier academic institution.

Style Guide

The JSU Style Guide provides information about the logo design, correct and incorrect logo use, colors, and typography. It also covers the most frequently used applications, university stationery, by outlining the different components and proper letter formatting. Finally, the guidelines point you toward additional information, including how to order stationery and obtain copies of the logo.

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