Strategic Self-defense & Gunfighting Tactics Level 1
The Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy will host the Strategic Self-Defense and Gunfighting Tactics for Law Enforcement Officers. The course will begin at 8:00 a.m. at the Academy. Triad Martial Arts, Inc. will teach the course. The Instructor is Johnny Smith. The program will enhance the current self-defense tactics that the officer has mastered.
As a Defensive Tactics System for Criminal Justice, Military Police and Security Officers, Strategic Self-defense & Gunfighting Tactics (SSGT) is dedicated to practical, effective and court defensible techniques. This system is a leader in addressing the most serious situations officers face in the line of duty. SSGT addresses these situations with the use of objectively reasonable force. This is a tactically documented system with an organized method of instruction, addressing both officer and subject safety.
SSGT Vanguard is an updated version of our flagship program. This program is designed for those who want a complete defensive tactics system. The Vanguard Program is divided into two levels of instruction; soon to be three.
SSGT Vanguard Level One 40-hour Instructor Course Objectives
Prerequisite - Must be a Certified Law Enforcement, Corrections, Military Police or Security Officer to attend this course.
By the end of this course, a certified SSGT Vanguard Level One Instructor will be qualified to:
- Teach officers about the objectively reasonable use of force, the effects and mitigation of survival stress and the principles of defensive tactics.
- Teach officers to defend against common grabs, holds, strikes and attacks on the officer's weapon in standing situations.
- Teach officers to defend against common grabs, holds, strikes and attacks on the officer's weapon when the struggle is on the ground.
- Teach officers how to gain control and compliance over an actively aggressive subject in both standing and ground grappling situations.
- Teach officers to defend against a knife or other sharp instrument attack.
- Instill self-confidence in the officer's ability to defend him/herself against an attack.
- Certify law enforcement officers in the SSGT Vanguard Level One Twenty-four- (24-) hour student course.
The preceding objectives will reduce the possibility of a Certified Student or Instructor using excessive force in controlling a subject, thus reducing liability.
SSGT Vanguard Level One 40-hour Instructor Course Breakdown
The SSGT Vanguard Level One Instructor and Student Courses are broken down into seven (7) Categories as follows:
- Common Grab Defense - against wrist grabs, throat grabs, hair grabs and lapel grabs in a standing position.
- Headlock Defense - against a rear headlock, front headlock and side head-locks both standing & on the ground.
- Bear-hug Defense - against front over and under the arms and rear over and under the arms.
- Tackle Defense - against double leg and single leg tackles.
- Striking & Knife Defense - against various strikes and cutting instruments.
- Escaping From The Bottom (ground) - escapes from the mounted position and side positions.
- Controlling A Grounded Subject From The Top - various controlling techniques designed to enable the officer to place the subject into a position for handcuffing.
This course requires pre-payment 2 weeks prior to course date to attend.
This cost of this course is $800.00.
This cost of the re-certification course is $600.00.