Basic Recruit General Information
Reporting to Basic Training:
Time & Location:
All students should report for orientation at 2:00 p.m. on the first day of the Basic Course. The Basic Course classroom is at 100 Gamecock Dr. Room 2155 Anniston, AL 36205, on the 2nd floor of the JSU McClellan Center.
Students should report in departmental uniforms or court appropriate attire. Students will leave all duty gear, weapons, and electronics secured in their vehicle. NO WEAPONS are allowed in the classroom.
Residency Academy Hours:
Students will be required to remain at the Academy for the first ten days of the training period. The first ten (10) days the students will be working 8-hour days. After the first ten (10) days the Academy will then resume its regular schedule of 10-hour days Monday through Thursday with Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.
Equipment Requirements:
Students should have all items needed for the first 10 days of training in their vehicle when they report for basic training. See below for specific requirements and recommendations.
Uniform Dress Code:
Academy Issued:
Students will be issued four (4) sets of classroom uniforms and two (2) sets of physical training attire at orientation. These uniforms will be required for all training. NOTE: Students will be able to purchase additional PT uniforms should they feel the need.
Student Supplies:
Certain items are the individual student's responsibility to furnish. In addition to basic undergarments, students will need to bring the following:
- White Crewneck Undershirts (No V-neck)
- Athletic Socks
- Black Belt
- Running Shoes
- Black Boots (Polished) - Recruits Must have boots they can run in for at least 200 yards
- Rain Coat
- Black Socks
- Coat, Gloves, Toboggan (seasonal)
Graduation Uniform:
All Students will be required to wear long sleeve uniform shirts with a tie or an appropriate standard colored suit with jacket and tie (for males) for the graduation ceremony.
The Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy is a full-time, residency Academy. All students will be required to stay in the designated Academy housing facility regardless of proximity of the students department or personal residence. We believe this will allow the Academy staff to provide a more structured training environment and in return provide the departments and the communities they serve with a more disciplined and better prepared officer.
Personal Items:
Furnished by the Student
- Current Driver's License
- Law Enforcement Credentials
- Prescription Medications
- Non-prescription Medication for common problems (headaches, sinus/allergies, etc)
- Cash/Change for Washing Machines & Vending Machines
- Laundry Detergent
- Personal Items/Toiletries (razor, toothpaste, deodorant, etc)
- Soap & Shampoo
- Bath Towels & Washcloths
- Bottled Water and Snacks (if desired)
College Credit & Veteran's Benefits:
Law enforcement officers completing the Basic Course receive fifteen (15) semester hours of college credit through Jacksonville State University. Students wanting to take advantage of this opportunity can contact the Registrar's Office <after successfully graduating the Basic Course.
Veteran's benefits are available for those qualified. You will be advised when to bring necessary documents if you choose to take advantage of this.
Basic Course Fees:
Agencies will be invoiced after the student begins the Basic Course. Any agencies requiring information on costs or billing should contact the LEA at 256-782-5318.
Basic Course Students are not permitted to be armed while at the Academy. There are no facilities at the Academy to store handguns, therefore you will be required to keep your weapon in your vehicle trunk or glove compartment during your stay. Basic Course students will not be allowed to keep any firearm or weapon in the housing facility room. This requirement is essential because of the nature of our housing facility.
Current pricing for ammunition obtained through the Academy can be found on the Statement of Intent. Ammunition needed to complete the 55-hour firearms portion of the Academy is as follows:
- 1100 Rounds - Pistol (FMJ or other training round recommended)
- 5 Rounds - 12 gauge '00' Buck (9 Pellet)
- 5 Rounds - 12 gauge slug
- 20 Rounds - Rifle .223/5.56
- *All ammunition must be factory loaded. No individual reloaded ammo allowed
- *NO single action only pistols allowed in the Basic Course (ex. 1911, Sig Legion, Hi-Power)
Physical Training Program:
Physical training while attending the Northeast Alabama Law Enforcement Academy requires strenuous physical activity on the part of each student. Therefore, we strongly recommend special effort be made to prepare for this physical activity prior to attending the Academy.