JSU Regional Inservice Center

McClellan Higher Education Consortium

Our Mandate

Established by the legislature in 1984, the JSU Regional Inservice Center is one of eleven centers in the Alabama Regional Inservice Center (ARIC) network.  These centers represent partnerships between higher education and the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) to serve the professional learning needs of Alabama's public schools.  State law (Act 87-714) mandates that each in-service center's operational schedule, programming, and budget allocations be subject to the authority and oversight of an independent governing board.  The governing board members represent each school system served as well as the center's affiliated higher education institution and the Alabama State Department of Education.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality professional learning opportunities and support services to K-12 educators that are relevant, effective, and result in improved student achievement.

Our Primary Service Area

The Jacksonville State University Regional Inservice Center is part of the Alabama Regional Inservice Center network (ARIC) and works collaboratively with other centers and the Alabama State Department of Education to provide professional learning opportunities and support to Alabama's schools.  Our primary service area is shown below:


Professional Learning Opportunities

Professional Learning Offerings

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This is a map of our primary service area

* Trussville City and Leeds City Schools geographically occupy small portions of the JSU RIC region but receive their support from the UAB Inservice Center.

Hours of Operation

Normal Hours:    7:00 AM - 3:30 PM M-F
Summer Hours:  7:00 AM - 5:00 PM M-Th, Closed Fridays