Honors Committee
Faculty Awards are determined through a process of self and peer nominations; submissions are peer reviewed by the Faculty Honors and Grants Committee.
The Faculty Honors and Grants Committee is in charge of maintaining and reviewing faculty awards and honors, including annual institutional-level awards and Emeriti awards, and institutional faculty research grants. Committee members receive the nominations and applications, review materials, and determine selections based on established criteria. Additionally, the committee routinely evaluates and amend awards criteria to maintain clear expectations that effectively recognize faculty achievement.
The Faculty Honors and Grants Committee:
- One faculty member from each of the following five colleges: College of Business and Industry, College of Health Professions and Wellness, College of Education and Professional Studies, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the Library
- Three faculty members from the College of Arts, Humanities, and Sciences (one from the arts, one from the humanities, one from the sciences/mathematics)
Role of Faculty Honors and Grants Committee:
- Members will serve a three-year term, except for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee member who shall serve a one-year term.
- The Faculty Senate Executive Committee member shall be non-voting, except in the case of a tie, in which they shall cast the deciding vote.
- The committee shall elect the faculty chair, who shall serve for one year but may be re-elected (the Faculty Senate Executive Committee member may not serve as chair).
- The role of the administrative liaison is to guide and support the chair regarding overall planning for meetings, communication with campus and/or other administrators, and in finalizing the goals for the year to meet the charge. The administrative liaison shall also oversee elections for a chair. The chair of the committee will run the meetings, and the administrative liaison will provide support when needed.
- If a member of the committee has been nominated for a faculty award chosen by this committee, has a conflict of interest with a nominee (e.g., wrote a letter of support for the nominee or the nominee is a significant other), or has applied for a faculty research grant, they shall recuse themselves from the selection of that award or grant. In these cases, the alternate will step in for the review of that particular faculty award or grant so the committee retains its representative composition, with respect to each college, in the award/grant selection.
Current Faculty Honors and Grants Committee Members:

Dr. Michael Boynton, (Chair)

Dr. Serena Gramling

Ms. Karlie Johnson

Dr. Christopher Ogden

Dr. Ashley Turner

Ms. Katelyn Walker

Dr. Jeffrey Zanzig

Dr. Paul Hathaway
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members:

Ms. Mica Mecham

Dr. Heidi Dempsey

Ms. Kim Turner

Dr. Staci Stone