Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award

Award Description

Rashad AhmedThe Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award, established in 1998, is a faculty-administered award sponsored by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. It is designed to honor an outstanding faculty member for research that resulted in publication in a refereed journal, a book, a juried show, an invited performance, or other research work in their field. The person selected for this honor will receive an honorarium of $500 and a budget of $500 for expenses, and a framed certificate that recognizes this accomplishment. The person selected will deliver a lecture or an appropriate presentation to the University community through Faculty Commons via the Faculty Research Symposium.

Criteria and Eligibility

  • Full-time tenure-track faculty
  • Evidence of research that resulted in publication in a refereed journal, a book, a juried show, an invited performance, or other research work in the faculty member’s field.
  • High-quality, impactful scholarly or creative research that significantly advances the faculty member’s field of study
  • An awardee is ineligible to receive the same award again for three years but remains eligible for other awards during that time.

Nomination Procedures

This award will be selected by the Faculty Honors and Grants Committee, which is comprised of at least one faculty representative from each academic college.  Nominations by self, students, colleagues, department heads, or other individuals aware of the significance of the participant's research or professional development are encouraged. Accomplishments from the previous three academic years (AY) will be considered (including AY 21-22, AY 22-23, and AY 23-24, beginning with Fall 2021 and ending with Summer 2024).

Nominators should inform nominees that they are being nominated and may solicit their assistance in preparing nomination materials.

Required Nomination Documents

The nomination packet for this award will consist of the following, compiled into one single PDF file in the order indicated. *Please contact Faculty Commons if you need assistance compiling documentation into a PDF file. All materials will be reviewed by the Faculty Honors and Grants Committee.

  1. One official Letter of Nomination by the nominator(s) advocating the basis for the nomination (relating nominee’s research/creative activity to the criteria for the award)
  2. Up to three additional Letters of Support from internal or external colleagues to complement the Letter of Nomination—*No more than three additional Letters of Support will be considered
  3. Nominee’s curriculum vitae (no more than fifteen pages)—*For those nominating a colleague, contact the nominee for a copy of their CV, or contact the nominee’s departmental administrative assistant for help acquiring a CV
  4. Supporting documentation may include copies of recent peer-reviewed journal publications, books, exhibits, recordings, journal proceedings, performances, conference papers/presentations, patents, or software—*Only supporting documentation from the specified years outlined in the Nomination Procedures will be considered

Nomination Deadline

All nominations must be submitted electronically via the Faculty Awards nomination form, linked below, no later than 4:30 PM CST on Friday, February 21, 2025. No deadline extensions will be given.

2024 Rashad Ahmed

Dr. Rashad Ahmed

Associate Professor of English

2023 President Killingsworth, Mark Sciuchetti, and Provost Shelton

Dr. Mark Sciuchetti

Associate Professor of Geography

2022 Faculty Scholar

Dr. Yuliya Minets

Assistant Professor of History & Foreign Languages

2021 Eric Gamess

Dr. Eric Gamess

Associate Professor of Computer Science

2020 Ellen Peck

Dr. Ellen Peck

Associate Professor of Theatre and Film

2019 Mary Springer

Dr. Jeremy Benson

Associate Professor of Music

2018 reginald overton

Dr. Reginald Overton

Professor of Kinesiology

2017 jeff dodd

Dr. Jeff Dodd

Professor of Mathematics

2016 safaa al-hamdani

Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani

Professor of Biology

2015 carmine dibiase

Dr. Carmine DiBiase

Professor of English

2014 sonny francia

Dr. Guillermo Francia

Professor of Computer Science and CISA Director

2013 jimmy triplett

Dr. Jimmy Triplett

Assistant Professor of Biology

2012 chris murdock

Dr. Christopher Murdock

Assistant Professor of Biology

2011 john jones

Dr. John Jones

Professor of English

2010 nagarajan vasumathi

Dr. Nagarajan Vasumathi

Assistant Professor of Physical and Earth Sciences