The Teaching Mixer: Jax MIX Training Opportunity: Spring 2025
Program Description and Goals
- Full- and part-time faculty teaching at least one general education course Spring 2025.
- Submit application via the Faculty Commons website; deadline is Feb. 3, 2025, 4:30 pm.
- After being notified of your partners, arrange observations. You must observe at least one full class taught by each faculty member in your Mixer, then meet with partners for a post-observation conversation.
- Lunch and compensation! In addition to gaining insights into others pedagogical approaches and connections among Jax MIX courses, participants can receive lunch in the Caf and a $250 supplement. For post-observation conversations held in the Caf, lunch costs will be covered for the participants (See info in Teaching Mixer Team.).
- Participating Teaching Mixer faculty who are observed, do an observation, take part in the post-observation conversation, and then submit a reflection with 2 action items will be compensated with a $250 supplement. To submit the reflection, upload it into the Teaching Mixer team. Supplements should be received by three weeks after submission.
- To support interdisciplinary collaboration by connecting faculty across general education disciplines to observe and discuss classroom practices
- To enhance teaching strategies through shared insights, best practices, and discussions about pedagogy and course connections
- To encourage innovative curriculum development by supporting faculty in creating actionable steps, such as interdisciplinary assignments or co-teaching opportunities, that benefit student learning in Jax MIX pathways.
Teaching Mixer FAQ
The Teaching Mixer is a program that encourages Jax MIX general education faculty to observeeach other’s classes in order to understand content from other disciplines and make connectionsacross general education courses, so that students are supported in synthesizing content acrossJax MIX. A Teaching Mixer is a group of 2-4 faculty from different disciplines who observe eachother’s classes, then meet over refreshments to discuss themes and pedagogy. The purpose isnot to critique or evaluate teaching.; instead, participating faculty share best practices and discusslinks between courses. Perhaps, some might develop scaffolded and interdisciplinary assignmentsor co-teaching opportunities.
Full- and part-time faculty teaching at least one general education course Spring 2025.
Submit application via the Faculty Commons website; deadline is Feb. 3, 2025, 4:30 pm.
After being notified of your partners, arrange observations. You must observe at least one full classtaught by each faculty member in your Mixer, then meet with partners for a post-observationconversation.
Lunch and compensation! In addition to gaining insights into others pedagogical approaches andconnections among Jax MIX courses, participants can receive lunch in the Caf and a $250supplement. For post-observation conversations held in the Caf, lunch costs will be covered for theparticipants (See info in Teaching Mixer Team.).
Participating Teaching Mixer faculty who are observed, do an observation, take part in the post-observation conversation, and then submit a reflection with 2 action items will be compensatedwith a $250 supplement. To submit the reflection, upload it into the Teaching Mixer team.Supplements should be received by three weeks after submission.
Meeting Locations, Dates, and Times
- Jan. 23: Teaching Mixer kick-off event; application opens.
- Feb. 3: Deadline for application to participate; Faculty Commons website.
- Feb. 10-Apr. 18: Class observations.
- May 9: Deadline for post-observation conversations in Caf.
- May 15: Submit reflection to Teaching Mixer Team.