On-Site Write: Faculty Writing Group: Spring 2025

The aim of the On-Site Write: Faculty Writing Group series is to develop a framework of research accountability and to foster a supportive faculty writing culture at JSU.    

Faculty Commons is opening room 208 Self Hall as a distraction-free space for any faculty member looking for quality writing time away from their office.  On Fridays from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, faculty will have the opportunity to set writing goals, write productively, report progress, and collaborate on challenges.   

This series is ideal for those looking to make progress on publishable projects.   

Support of JSU's Strategic Plan, including goals and objectives

This series supports the commitment of JSU's Strategic Plan including the following strategic goal(s) and objectives:

1. Engage (Commitment 2)

Create symbiotic partnerships that impact the university learning environment, providing additional opportunities for the exchange of ideas, experiential learning, and community engagement, while allowing university members to give back to the community.  


  1. Benefit of Belonging: Improve the accessibility of a safe, equitable, diverse campus supportive of all campus and community members.  
    • Objective 2: Create environments to encourage campus and community members to connect and learn from each other. 
Work with multiple departments across colleges to develop interdisciplinary opportunities that will enable faculty to learn about, from, and with different programs.  

2. Discover (Commitment 3):

In an age of rapid educational change and innovation, we will continue to advance our capacity for creating diverse, meaningful, and accessible learning opportunities that prepare all learners (faculty included).  


  1. Experiences: Provide learning experiences that connect learners with real-world knowledge, skills, and opportunities.  
    • Objective 2: Expand the utilization of technology to support students, faculty, and staff. 
    • Provide professional development and training opportunities for faculty. 
  1. Environments: Create and provide new learning environments characterized by modern facilities, technological enhancements, active learning, and engaging instruction 
    • Objective 3: Provide learners access to active learning opportunities, engaging instruction, sustainable training, and professional development. 
    • Provide inclusive training and professional development opportunities to staff across disciplines 

  • To provide opportunities for sustained writing 
  • To build a place of community and support for JSU faculty writers  
  • To create opportunities for faculty members to collaborate and problem-solve across disciplines  
  • To accomplish focused, intentional writing goals set forth by individual faculty members  

Meeting Locations: Self Hall, room 208

Meeting Dates and Times: Every Friday beginning on January 10th until April 18th from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM.

*In the event that room 208 Self Hall is needed for a conflicting meeting, please note that Faculty Commons reserves the right to cancel or reschedule On-Site Write meeting(s). Schedule changes will be communicated to faculty via email ahead of time.

Register Now

During regular business hours, you will receive a calendar invite sent to your JSU Outlook email within two hours of registering for an event. Once you accept the invite, the event information will appear on your Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Calendar invites are manually updated by Brandy Roberts, so if you do not receive yours, please contact Brandy Roberts at broberts@jsu.edu for assistance.

While Faculty Commons encourages registration for On-Site Writing meetings, it is not a requirement to pre-register to attend meetings.